Thursday, 10 July 2014


. . . and without a doubt the highlight of yesterday was the juniors' show, Hoodwinked, a Robin Hood story.  I enjoyed myself from beginning to end and, as a member of staff, had a super front row seat.  A big WELL DONE to all involved - it was the best yet.

It's very dull and very cloudy and there's quite a strong breeze a-blowing at the moment.  Not cold though: the back door is open to freshen the house and it feels mild.

Today the infants have a treat.  We will all be piling into the hall so that the juniors can do their show again for the infants.  It's always a tricky one as it means various classes coming and going and generally a lot of stopping and starting as there's no way everyone can fit into the hall AND have stage space too.  The littlies love it though.

After playtime I shall be taking my class into the hall to play some PE type games so that ought to be fun.

Then, this afternoon, it is maths.  Aaaarrrggghhh.  Poor children.

Seven more days, that is all.  Just seven!  So close!


  1. Joy your countdown puts me in mind of a song we used to sing at school
    "one more day of sin and one more day of sorrow one more day in this old dump and we'll be home tomorrow."

  2. I knew a much more boring version than that! ' One more day to go, one more day of sorrow' and then repeat. I like yours better!
    J x
