Friday, 7 March 2025


 Good morning, everyone.  It was an absolutely glorious day yesterday.  I had the back doors open letting the warm air stream in and it was a delight sitting out to sand the table.

First of all, for Jane:
I looked back through my other blog posts and this is the very first relevant one, the day I had my last meds review.
You can read on from there by using the 'Newer Post' link at the foot of the post/comments on the left - it's on the left as I see it anyway.
Having read through some of those posts again, I really must rer-make some of those recipes.  It's too easy to forget!

I took a couple of photos of bulbs at the front.  Very pretty.

Just a quick one this morning as there's plenty to do.

The sander arrived, it was easy to get to grips with and now two of the three coffee tables have tops ready for varnishing.  They will have to wait for a few days though!  For a start, I won't be here and anyway I don't have any varnish.  I'm going to get one of those 'filler pen' things to deal with marks on the legs and around the edge.
I want to read up about varnishing first anyway.  

Today I will be off to Slimming World as usual (no loss this week, I fear) before finishing packing, tidying up and setting off to Five Lakes.  In the afternoon, Lindsey is doing an aqua class and then a Groove class and I would like to do both, if I can.
Then we all meet up for pre-dinner drinks before dinner and the evening entertainment.

I'll be posting as much as I can but don't worry if I don't - I will be back.  Have a lovely day/weekend and fingers crossed for the weather.  xx


  1. Have a fabulous time, Joy.
    Sooze xx

    1. Thanks, Sooze. I'm so looking forward to it. xx

  2. Have a wonderful time and relax after all your decorating . Catriona

  3. Replies
    1. Arrived in one piece, one cup of coffee, an unpack and an energetic Groove session down and I'm just about to shower before the evening frolics. Thanks, Janice. xx

  4. Enjoy your time away.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks, Jackie. It will be great, I am sure. It's started well. xx

  5. Beautiful flowers. Have a great weekend!

    1. You can get a lovely bunch of daffs for very little at this time of year - although I notice the price has stayed the same but the number of stems you get has educed. Two bunches used to fill a vase; now it is three! They call is shrinkflation, I believe. :-) xx

  6. You're going to have a wonderful time. Xx
