Three nice things happened yesterday morning
I know this might be getting boring for some but I know others are interested so, if you're one of the former, just scroll down - I promise I won't be offended 🤣
The new Squeak is, like her predecessor, doing just what is expected of her, bubbling in a way Bubbles never did at this stage. Very early days though; her first discard/feed is tomorrow, day 4 so today is just a feed. Goodness, it's just like having a new born baby, just less smelly and doesn't generate nearly so much work or mess!
I've been in touch with brother, John, because of his birthday, I told him about my Edinburgh trip in November and he was really pleased, saying we will definitely meet up. Lovely.
And the third nice thing - Lindsey is replacing her microwave/grill/convection thingy and offered her current one for sale. I was able to snap it up at a very reasonable price as I have been thinking about replacing my little bog standard one with something bigger and a bit more useful. I have Nellie, of course, but the baskets aren't all that big and there's things I can't do it her. I'd looked around a bit in the shops but hadn't made any decisions about which one to get and they are quite expensive so this is perfect.
As expected, yesterday was a day of two halves. The morning was easy - I re-read the paperwork for the meeting, did some cleaning and tidying and chilled a bit.
Come the afternoon, I set off to school, taking the car because I wanted to go straight on to Lindsey's School is only five minutes walk away so it's easy to walk but this time car was needed - I thought.
The course was really good, well worth the time. Once that was over and I was back in the car, I thought I would just check my messages and thank goodness I did because Lindsey had messaged to say please could I come at half four instead (she explained why). I couldn't because of the Gov Meeting so we rescheduled for this afternoon.
As for the meeting - it was really good, very positive and very upbeat. I like meetings like this.
On to today and this morning I am coffee-ing with Chris and then bussing into town for my blood test. That's it as far as diary stuff is concerned, apart from the personal training this afternoon (and bringing the microwave home). The timings seem to work for starting my very first Bubbles loaf so fingers crossed. I'm used to bunging everything into Thermione for the kneading, etc, and three hours or so later, I am popping the loaf into the oven. This is a whole different ball game. It will be mostly a white load, the aim being to gradually transfer to wholemeal as I get a better feel for it all. Wish me luck.
You are very patient re the sourdough - I would have given up on it weeks ago!
ReplyDeleteNot always patient, just darn stubborn. I think I said I'll be blowed if I'm beaten by a lump of flour and water. It was worth it for the sense of immense satisfaction when it finally got going.
DeleteThe new Squeak is far better behaved. Maybe it helps that it is now warmer. xx
Patience is definitely a necessary virtue with sourdough!
ReplyDeleteVery character building, eh? lol xx
DeleteDon't forget to take photographs so we can all look and imagine the taste. 😀
ReplyDeleteWill do. :-) xx
DeleteWe have a convection oven/grill/ microwave and it’s very handy and means the big oven doesn’t need heated up very often. Glad the training course was good-it’s good for the brain when you have a day like that. Catriona
ReplyDeleteThat was my motive for considering another microwave because there's nothing wrong with my old one. Basic, but works fine. However, Nellie is too small for some things and turning on the big oven seems an awful waste of fuel. xx
DeleteI'm enjoying the daily lives of Bubble and Squeak (and Squeak Mk II). I think you could be right about the warmer temps being good for them. xx
ReplyDelete:-) Hasn't it been gorgeous today? Almost summer-like. xx
DeleteOh, you are making sourdough, too! Wonderful…it’s so rewarding. Each loaf I have made has come out different. It’s nice to always have a starter in the fridge.
DeleteI think this much be about the fourth attempts in my life, maybe fifth and the others have all ended in disaster. This one - well, I'm feeling much more hopeful. Interesting that they all end up a bit different - I like that! xx
Yes, I am glad that you are going to get a loaf of sour dough made. Please give us a photo of the finished loaf.
ReplyDeleteGod bless.
I will, Jackie. I've been taking photos of the whole process (see Friday's post) and will photo the final outcome for Saturday's.
DeleteThanks for all the encouragement, everyone. xx