Saturday, 4 January 2025

04-01-25 and the Tenth Day of Christmas

Good morning.  Wasn't it cold yesterday!  Round here it was, anyway.  I walked to Slimming World wearing my arctic coat, gloves, hat and scarf which did the trick but the frost didn't melt off the car all day!
I popped into Morrison's on the way home and came out with five items - two bags of salad (running short), some own brand equivalent of Benecol (running short), rinse aid (just one bottle) and some garlic granules.  I can't remember the last time I went to Morrisons and spent less than a tenner.

When I got home, I was greeted by water softener salt tablets on the doorstep.  Not the five boxes, each containing two bags that I had ordered but just one measly box - two bags - looking more than a bit sad, don't you think?  That won't last all that long!  But - BUT - they had charged me for ten bags. I was cross but a quick online typed chat with Amazon sorted it out (hopefully) with a full refund of what was missing.  It hasn't arrived yet but I have a confirmatory email so here's hoping.

After breakfast, given that it was so cold, I went out to the shed and started on the freezer and now I have a lovely clean, tidy, frost-free freezer again.  And I sorted out that cupboard too so I am 100% happy!

All in all, a very satisfying day apart from the salt delivery - but I have got enough to carry me through January and most of February anyway so that's OK.

On the Tenth  Day of Christmas
I gave unto myself . . .
Fragranced bath soak
Two bits of  puzzle 
One coffee pod 
And a cho-co-late liqueur

The bath soak goes with the other shower cream (or whatever it is) and was also molto cheapo from Home Bargains.  A bath soak is a bubble bath, right?   It is cotton candy and winter berries scented which I would never have been able to tell from just sniffing!

And I am really going to miss the chocolate liqueurs - they have started the days off nicely with the coffee from the pod.  😄

And here's yesterday and today's sections of puzzle.  Just two more days' worth to go now and it is another thing I am going to miss.

Apart from sorting out the rest of the decorations (except for the Christmas tree), today is just bits and bobs.
I have some washing, etc, I have some veg to prep for the freezer, the kitchen working surfaces could do with a good wipe over - the whole lot, not just the bits that show! - and I want to take a good  look at freezer and cupboard audits and create some meal plans for the future.
And - just remembered - I would like the audit the food and other products I have out in the garden room cupboards too - I think I have a good idea but better to know for sure.
Actually, all the above, plus my knitting and crocheting, is enough to keep me out of trouble, I think.  
It feels a bit strange to think that nine years ago I would have been very busy this weekend, getting ready for a new term at school - finishing planning, making resources, into school through the library to make sure the classroom was all it should be . . . and you know what - I used to get such a buzz from preparing for the term but I don't miss it at all, not now.

Well, time to close this and get it posted before I brave the cold to get today's supplies from the freezer, admiring its tidy and frost free interior as I do so.  Not that I am being smug or anything - you know . . . 
Happy Saturday, everyone.  I hope the weather won't be too rough where you are and that you will be cosy and warm.



  1. I'm enjoying my after Christmas treat of Choc liqueurs - glad I bought a big box!!
    Hopefully we won't get much snow this far east, even if the weather men are ramping up the fear. I keep thinking - it's winter - it's supposed to be cold with snow!

    1. A big box sounds just perfect!
      They keep changing their minds, those weather forecasters. Fair enough, it is just a forecast, but I'm not expecting much, if any, not this far east. Just rain!
      As you say - it is winter,. after all. :-) xx

  2. It’s lovely to see your 12 days of Christmas treats and I do like your puzzle. Enjoy the weekend. Catriona

  3. The one thing we didn't get for Christmas this year was any liqueurs, I meant to but when I went to Booths to get some they had all sold out. :-(

    Isn't it annoying when an order is sent incomplete, I'm glad you managed to get it sorted quite easily.

    1. Very frustrating and not getting the liqueurs is terrible! :-) I've ordered some salt from elsewhere now. xx

  4. Well done for emerging without having spent a fortune! I keep looking at my freezer and thinking I should defrost it, but it will keep a little longer Not the most efficient use of a freezer, but hey ho, there are more important things to do on a very cold day! Sitting by the fire, for one!

    1. Most definitely! I've stayed inside, warm and cosy, all day. Snuggle hoods are great! xx

  5. It's becoming practically impossible to come out of a supermarket having spent less than a tenner very well done! It was very cold here yesterday, but isn't so much today - no frost at all on the car. xx

    1. We still had heavy frost this morning but it did go. It's getting cold again now but we are forecast heavy rain, not snow, thank goodness.
      And thank you. :-) xx

  6. I was discussing the start of term with my friend (who was also a teacher, now retired) and neither us can image going through all that now. I love being retired and can't imagine getting back into the school routine now. I don't miss it either! xx

    1. I did at first but I am so glad I now love my life so much. I've been very lucky really. xx

  7. Dang, I should have bought a box of chocolate so that I could join you in this.

    God bless.

    1. < chuckle > Well, there's always next year!! I mean this year! Next time!

  8. I always enjoy seeing your twelve days of Christmas gifts. I keep telling myself I should do the same, but I never get round to sorting it. And yet, it would be something lovely to look forward to during those in between days. Xx

    1. It's been a really nice thing to do. It has brightened up the days considerably, you're right.
      The theory is to get one little thing each month and wrap it there and then so you don't remember it but the danger of that is that you then duplicate things. I do a bit of earlier buying and a bit of autumn buying and get them all wrapped and out of the way by the start of December.

    2. Thank you, Joy. I'll try and remember to do this when I put my Christmas fund aside each month. X

    3. That's a neat way of remembering - what a good idea. xx
