Monday, 6 January 2025

06-01-25: a review and moving forward

As I said this time last year, I'm not a great one for 'resolutions' as they rarely last after the ink dries on the paper.  I do like having a few themes that I would like to focus on through the year though and last year I had three 'words' - economy, enjoyment and energy.  
All starting with the same letter because I'm an ex-teacher!

The year before was a spendy and slightly unsettled year what with big projects and finalising my parents' inheritance so I wanted to get back on an even keel as far as my finances were concerned.
I think I have done that.  Yes, some months have been more spendy than others but I have continued to save regularly and have never had more month at the end of the money apart for one off things and that's what one of my savings accounts is for.
I went into how I manage my budget, etc, a few days ago so I won't repeat that but I want to have more low-spend months this year and to increase the amount I am saving into my short term savings account which is my first port of call for things like dental fees, holidays, etc, should the monthly budget not accommodate.
I've been aiming to save 25% but didn't increase it last year when the pensions all increased so I really must get that sorted.  Also, I have just remembered that in February and March there's no rates and water to pay for so that can also go into savings.
I am rambling - sorry.  Moving on . . .

The next word was
Given I am getting older (aren't we all but you know what I mean) and apart from when my back plays up, I am happy with my energy levels.  I'm never going to be all that bouncy but I enjoy my exercise classes and am definitely continuing while I still can.
Mentally, I am still reasonably alert (usually) and am thankful for that.
And when a blood test indicted less than ideal LDLs, I tackled it energetically, tweaking my diet to deal with it.  I don't know if I have succeeded yet, I'm not pushing for a repeat blood test, but I do feel well eating according to Mediterranean style principles.

And, thirdly:
Well - I may not have gone on any more cruises but I have really enjoyed 2024.  Coach trips, times with good friends, fitness classes, a lovely home and family . . . what's not to enjoy there?  I feel very fortunate.

Moving on into 2025, I really want to continue all these things but under the general banner of 'Health'.

Healthy finances
Healthy lifestyle
Healthy mind and body
I don't think there's any need to amplify on these really, do you?  I have my finances organised, I have those fitness classes, I have some lovely friends and I have various interests and enjoyments.  I will just keep looking out for those opportunities and see any set backs as a way to grow and develop.
Most importantly, I will be me and not a shadow or copy of anyone else.

2025?  Bring it on.

Thanks for reading!


  1. Sounds like you have it all sorted.

    1. Well - as much as I can but life does have a habit of tripping one up. doesn't it? Fingers crossed.
      I like an easy life. Don't we all? xx

  2. It sounds as though you are in firm control of your life and that is what we all want for ourselves! (Full stops not working again, hence the exclamation marks!)

    1. How totally frustrating for you. How about looking in symbols - I think that's what it's called - and linking it with a keystroke.
      I think my trouble is that I feel safer when things are all organised and, maybe, I miss out on opportunities. I don't know. xx

  3. Well done on having your finances all sorted. We need to do the same. Catriona

    1. It makes me feel more comfortable when i know exactly where I am with them. xx

  4. I have much admiration for the way you live Joy, here's to your plans for 2025 may they all go well.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. That's so kind, thanks, Alison. The same to you too. xx

  5. I love the "Healthy" theme. May all your plans be fruitful.

    God bless.

    1. It's almost a generic term that can cover whatever you want it to cover really, I think. Thank you, Jackie, and right back to you too. xx
