Thursday 4 April 2013


It's Thursday already!  Nearly a week of holiday and what have I done in the way of sorting out, clearing up. etc?  Not a lot, that's what.  Today is the day this changes.  I have nothing on, nothing social planned except for going out for dinner this evening with J and L to the Hare, so I don't even have to cook dinner, yay!!!  I wonder how far round the house I can get before I become fed up and stop.

Yesterday I read (on Facebook so it HAS to be correct, right???) that it was going to snow today.  So - where is it?  No snow here as far as I can tell.  How very boring.

Yesterday Alex and I went out to pick up his laptop, go to Hobbycraft (I was very good, only bought  the two cards of little buttons I needed), Boots (for hearing aid batteries) and finally we had lunch at Pizza Hut.  We got there early and it was just as well because by the time we left it was heaving!

A friend posted a recipe on Facebook (where else?) for a Muffin in a Mug and I think I'm going to try it.  It's a microwave thing and takers about 90 seconds to cook.  I'm not sure about this but need to try it before making any judgements!  So that's breakfast.  Lunch will probably be part of the chicken balti I am making for dinner with a friend tomorrow, just a snack sized portion, and dinner is at the Hare so that's today easily sorted.  I wish it was always quite as simple as that.

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