Saturday, 13 April 2013


We may be nearly half way through April but it is still jolly cold in the early mornings.  I've given in and turned up the heating a bit, just for a short while.  I suppose leaving the comfort of my warm cosy bed comes as a bit of a shock and I'm a wimp!!  No frost though, so it can't be all that cold really.

Weather-wise, yesterday was a day of contrasts.  April showers, but not gentle, balmy showers: dear me, no, these were rip-roaring, angry, fist-shaking, drive-at-10-mph-type showers which, fortunately, didn't last all that long but which made me feel extremely sorry for anyone caught outside.  And then the sun would come out and it  was all glorious.

After the tomato-disasters of the last few years I wasn't going to grow any this year but I guess the sap is rising as Spring shoe-horns her way into the year excusing herself with 'better late than never'.  I went online and bought some grafted tomatoes and fingers crossed this year I get some results.  Last year they were all blighted (devastating because they were fruiting well) and the year before they were very late fruiting and the results were pitifully small.  Gardeners are ever the optimists though, they have to be, however large or small their aspirations.  So fingers crossed . . .

The funeral was beautiful.  Terribly sad, of course, but also very funny in places.  The hymns were fantastic: Jerusalem and Guide me, oh, thou great Redeemer, two of my favourite; the crematorium chapel was packed almost to overflowing and I hope it was a considerable comfort to all those who knew and loved F in whatever capacity.
It was good to be able to talk to my friend for a short time and good that the school was well represented.  My thanks to L for undertaking the driving there and back.

When I got home, I just sat and crocheted.  I've found a rather interesting pattern on Ravelry, a freebie so I have reproduced the picture below with a link if you're interested.  It took me a little while to work out the pattern and it was all done by symbols and I'm used to following it abbreviations and numbers, but it's not complicated and I got the hang of it eventually.  I'm using some of my stash of baby yarn to have a go - my colours aren't as vibrant because it is specifically baby yarn and my stash is all gentle pastel-y colours but it's looking OK.
Today I have a friend coming for lunch and I need to decide what to make for lunch.  I am swithering between tomato soup and scrambled eggs on toast at the moment and I must make some more flapjacks as the batch I made earlier in the week seems to have mysteriously disappeared.
I have to make another loaf too and I am going to try the Hollywood recipe in the breadmaker this time, just to see if it works.  After all, if it doesn't, I haven't wasted very much in terms of cash.
And I have some eggs to pick up from my friend too.  It's all go so I'd better get started.
Have a lovely day!


  1. What lovely vests. I shall have to hunt for someone having a baby I see!

  2. Love the pattern Joy and have copied it immediately. The tiny egg was a real surprise I fried it this morning and it had a yolk the size of a pea - gave us all a joly good laugh.

  3. That are beautiful, aren't they? The yarn, I have discovered, is for roughly 4 ply. I'm making one in DK and it's coming out huge!
    It doesn't matter, I will find someone who has an older baby and it's a good reason - I mean excuse - to pay a visit to Hobbycraft tomorrow morning.

    That tiny egg was so cute, Diane!

    J x

  4. That????? I meant 'they' of course! Sorry.

  5. don't forget there's three for lunch tomorrow x

  6. Oh, lordy, I didn't realise, Beth. Eeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, panic.

    It's not 4 ply, it *is* DK. And it crochets up very quickly too! Nice.

    J x
