Tuesday 2 November 2021


 Good morning, everyone!   Brrrr, it's cold out.  Not frosty cold, I think, but chilly, all the same, much cooler than yesterday morning.

Yesterday was lovely.  It's so nice to feel 100% again and circuit training wasn't nearly as 'hard' as I thought it might be after a week off.  Yes, I'm a bit achey this morning, but it's the right kind of ache.

Tuition, also, was very enjoyable.  What a difference an hour makes though.  Last week it was daylight when I walked home but yesterday it was definitely twilighty.  It won't be long before it's dark by the time we finish.  They only live down the road so it's not a problem, just something to realise!

Flippin' time change though - I was wide awake at three this morning.  Two days ago it would have been four - early enough but not a total nuisance.  Three, however, is no joke!  I guess I will be having a snooze this afternoon to make up!

I thought I had a totally free day today but thank goodness I checked the diary because the lovely Sharon is coming at half past one to do my hair.  What a nice surprise.  Good timing too because the next one will be middle of December, perfect for Christmas.

Apart from that, there's nothing so I'm going to have a meander around one of our shopping precincts this morning.  Window shopping mostly, but we will see.  Now Halloween is out of the way, there might be more Christmas stuff to enjoy looking at.

So that's today.  A nice, quiet, easy sort of day with pleasant stuff.  What nice things do you have planned today?  xx


  1. Morning Joy, I’m sat here with my coffee enjoying a read through the other early birdies! I’m going for afternoon tea with my friend but we are having it nearer lunchtime. I’ve already done the dishwasher and kitchen. I’ve tidied round - to be fair it wasn’t too bad and I will do a speed hoover with the cordless just to keep on top of it. A little bit of chair crafting and to this morning before I colour my hair. The dog walker is coming today ( forgot to tell her it was a two week half term ) but as I’m off out for a few hours that’s perfect so I don’t have to get a soaking today round the field! Hopefully my new waterproof coat comes today! Needed to get a temporary new one as my old ones won’t fasten!! Enjoy your day lovely lady x

    1. Remember it's a holiday, OK?
      Seriously, I hope it's been a lovely day for you. Did the coat come?

  2. Glad your feeling 100% I am getting there but it is a slow process

    1. It really can be. I'm hoping your recovery will speed up rapidly . . .

  3. Rain and Rain forecast throughout Spain which makes me feel a bit sorry for the tourists who seem to be arriving in droves; the sun seekers :-) Definitely cooler too. I had my hair done last Friday after 19 months of cutting it myself. Makes you feel so good, doesn't it? I have already started on my Christmas makes and eldest sister gift is now done ready to be sent. I'll be on time as I plan to send it mid November. Last year she didn't get my gift until January...mea culpa...tch! Have a great day! Amanda x

    1. Oh, dear . . . what a shame for them.
      Yes, a hair-do really does lift the spirits. Nineteen months is a l-o-o-ong time, isn't it?

  4. It is gloriously sunny here after yesterday's full on rain. Have a nice browse in the shops - I do love a good Christmas browse and I am tyring hard this year to leave it at a browse and not be too tempted to bring things home!

    1. Autumn sunshine is so lovely - everything gets so very colourful.

  5. Replies
    1. Received and responded - thank you so much.

  6. From what I hear, Christmas items were put out here in my province yesterday. Enjoy the window shopping.

    God bless.

    1. It makes sense, doesn't it? Halloween is over, Christmas can begin.
