Wednesday, 10 July 2013


So sorry about missing yesterday.  It always happens at this time of year as things hot up (including the weather) and everyone seems to be rushing hither and thither, chasing our tails and getting nowhere in a tremendous hurry.

The best news is that the hedge is down and the stumps are being dealt with.  For a short time I can see the countryside from my garden.  Once the new fence goes up, I won't be able to any more so I'm enjoying it while I can.

Not a terribly good photo, but you can see the difference it makes.  All the space between the fence and the walled beds was hedge and it covered half of the bed too, hence the lack of planting.  I've decided that the over-big bush is coming out, as is the bush that thinks it's a tree (which has been chopped right back but can't be dug out until the end of the runner bean season because it's too close to them) and that little bed will become vegetable based now that it's getting enough light.  I will have one herb and leaf based bed, one for flowers and one for veg which sounds about right to me.

Apart from that, it's all about school work but, with eight working days to go, the end is in sight!  Thank goodness.


  1. Wow, all that space, light and air!

  2. It really makes such a big difference. I do miss the 'coolness' of the green but not as much as all that!

  3. My goodness, that really has made an enormous difference, hasn't it! I hadn't realised quite how much space that hedge was taking up! Great idea re that 'extra' bed you now have, i.e. with half of it now not being taken up by the hedge. When does the new fence go up?
    Best of luck with all the school work - wow, only a few days to go now! :o)
    Have a lovely day. S. xxx

  4. My goodness, that really has made an enormous difference, hasn't it! I hadn't realised quite how much space that hedge was taking up! Great idea re that 'extra' bed you now have, i.e. with half of it now not being taken up by the hedge. When does the new fence go up?
    Best of luck with all the school work - wow, only a few days to go now! :o)
    Have a lovely day. S. xxx

  5. It really has, Sonja, yes. It's amazing. I'm not sure when the fence is going up. The company arrive today but the stumps are not all cleared yet.
    J x

  6. Oh right...I expect they'll get the stumps sorted soon. I know what you mean about the 'coolness' of the green though, it was lovely, but just too big I suppose... Hope it all goes well. S. xxx

  7. They have done. There's a great pile of sawdust now. K and J are having all their fencing replaced and they started round the other side. I've seen the panels and they're fine. They will be easy to stain the colour I want without making any kind of mess the other side.
    J x
