So I have just fired off a message to Ray, requesting a single room and hope that I am early enough to get a place. If not, I am no worse off.
Tuesday, 4 February 2025
04-02-25 and more holiday pondering
So I have just fired off a message to Ray, requesting a single room and hope that I am early enough to get a place. If not, I am no worse off.
Monday, 3 February 2025
It has come out shorter than I expected (although longer than the pattern says) and I like it but am wondering about making it again in another colour - there was a lovely deep reddish maroon colour in the same kind but not enough balls - well, there would have been but I thought I needed more.
Now I want to finish off the Tiles crochet project. There's quite a bit to do of that so it won't be finished this week! I think this month should be called Finish Off Friday.
Sunday, 2 February 2025
January review and February's aims
Yesterday, I had a look back at the goals/themes for 2025 that I waffled on about after Twelfth Night was over and thought about how it was all going.
It's thinking out loud really . . .
I'd like February to be similar so fingers crossed.
So this continues through February.
I'm thinking about another cruise and just working it through in my mind
- To continue with the Needs Only spending.
- To continue using what I have in freezer, fridge and cupboards first (to a great extent - there's always going to be exceptions) - so audit, plan the meals, write the shopping list in that order.
- Linked with that to move a specific amount across to short term savings at the end of the month. I have a specific amount in mind but won't be sharing that.
- To continue updating my spreadsheet every time anything goes out of my account so I absolutely KNOW where I am at any given point in the month.
- To continue with the Food Bank collection and, specifically, to check what's really needed and make sure I focus on that.
- To make a decision about whether to go for another cruise and to decide on a linked savings target to go towards that (I suppose you could call it a sinking fund but it will be on the spreadsheet, not a separate account.)
- To do one extra online SET class each week, if possible.
- To continue with the decluttering.
- Resume the daily weed scraping when they start fighting back - and they will!
All looking good!
Finally, I stopped off at the Cook's shop to pick up my order and have a little nosey round at the same time. I have Dave and Anna round for a meal in just under three weeks and I think I might get a main dish from there, just to try. There were also some luscious desserts but I have a roulade in the freezer that I bought for Christmas and never used so that's OK.
Saturday, 1 February 2025
I have a few things in my Amazon waiting list but they can stay there for now. If I still want them by March, then maybe . . .
I'm still thinking and will see how the savings go but - oh, I would so love to.
Friday, 31 January 2025
I also bought a new door mat as the old one was in a poor way.
It has rained overnight, of course!
Hope yours is too. xx
Thursday, 30 January 2025
Sorry . . .
Hi, everyone. The day had got away from me and I won't be posting the usual today. Things are absolutely fine and I'll be back tomorrow. xx
Wednesday, 29 January 2025
It's a bit of a complicated pattern anyway but not to worry, I really think I have sorted it. If it is slightly 'wrong' (I don't think it is this time), it works, it fits and both sides are the same so no worries.
Then I will continue with the Tiles crochet.
To be fair, it is more than just painting this time! 😄
Have a good one and keep cosy and warm as much as you can. xx
Tuesday, 28 January 2025
28-01-25 and Oliver
Apologies for the darkness - that's how it was - moody and quite claustrophobic in a way. The programme notes say: 'The intimate nature of the historic Gielgud Theatre naturally enhances the atmospheric claustrophobia of Dickensian London . . .
Actually, everyone was good, I didn't clock any weak performances. Ever Bet, played as an abused child as she would have been, had her own charisma.
(Photo from Google Images)
I could go on but suffice it to say that Fagin (Simon Lipkin) was just - oh, words fail me. He gave us a funny, obviously criminal, performance but with a soft spot for his boys that showed in so many ways. He had us in fits all through.
I think in terms of sheer power and impact, I would choose 'As long as He Needs Me'. I was in tears by the end.
Monday, 27 January 2025
Sunday, 26 January 2025
A few random garden photos.
Who would have thought that this far too healthy rosemary was just cuttings not all that long ago.Out of focus but it is lovely to see the snowdrops again.
Just a frosty leaf! |
Good morning, everyone. It's a cold and frosty morning but the frost is vanishing quickly and this afternoon is supposed to bring us gusty winds and heavy rain. Better make sure I have everything I need in from the freezer this morning, hadn't I?
In the interests of spending for myself (and because I wanted to, of course!!), when the Broomfield newsletter pinged into my mailbox yesterday, I requested two more trips - one to a Tutankhamen exhibition/visit to the Shard/fish and chips in June and one to see Evita in August. Fingers crossed - I should hear today if I've got places or not.
I spent some time in the kitchen yesterday, making a new loaf as the two I made before Christmas are pretty much used up now. I love my loaves, made from a mix of wholemeal wheat, rye and spelt flours plus a bit of white, some mixed seeds and, this time, a sort of tapenade thingy I need to use up. It's made such a tasty loaf that I sliced it as soon as I could and put it into the freezer out of temptations way!
I'm getting on with the knitting. I've done the back, one sleeve and one front side. I don't think I got the shaping quite right on the front so I'm doing the second side now to see if it comes out the same - if it does, no problem; if not, I can undo the wrong shaping and re-do it.
Today - again, nothing in the diary so it's doing my own thing which will involve sorting out, bit of ironing and I didn't get round to mending that coat so that's on the list too. I don't think I caught up with Throw Down from last week either so must do that before this evening.
And I think I might put in an order for some Cook's frozen ready meals. I think they are worth a try after thoroughly enjoying one I got from Longacre's this week.
I know - Needs Only Months, etc, but these will be so useful on those busier days or when I just don't fancy cooking. I know that's not a need but it's a useful want and I have been thinking about what Dave said, I really have - after all, what's the point of asking if you don't consider what you are then given?
(and I did manage to move a nice chunk into savings this month anyway!)
I dunno - listen to me justifying myself!! Ignore me, I'm just thinking out loud!
After all that, I will love you and leave you all. Have a really lovely Sunday, however you spend them. Take care and stay good and warm as much as ever you can. Love to you all. xx
Saturday, 25 January 2025
Friday, 24 January 2025
24-01-25 and sorry . . .
I also had a look at some paint swatches and I think I have found the colour I want for my downstairs redecorating.
Despite what D and K said, I have quite enjoyed this Needs Only Month and have pretty much stuck to it. It was most satisfying to move that chunk into savings too.
So I think I'm carrying it on into next month. February and March are goodies anyway as there's no rates or water to pay.
Thursday, 23 January 2025
My response is firstly that I already have a good old life as a homebody who loves the quieter and simpler thing after a very busy career.
What's your own take on this subject?
Take care and stay safe! xx
Wednesday, 22 January 2025
Have a great day, everyone. xx
Tuesday, 21 January 2025
Then I have my friend, Julia, round for coffee and her s.i.l. is looking at my desktop so see if he can work out why it is so slow. I've been using the laptop apart from a few things but fingers crossed it is a very simple matter.
Monday, 20 January 2025
Then Alex is coming over for a roast dinner so I will be busy in the kitchen. Depending on when he goes, I might do a proper downstairs clean or I might just do the bits that show - I need to do one or the other as I have a friend over for coffee tomorrow morning and the carpet is a disgrace!
Sunday, 19 January 2025
Saturday, 18 January 2025
Do you have regular Saturday stuff to do or can you hang free, as they say?
Friday, 17 January 2025
It's just beginning to lighten up so it's had to really tell but it looks overcast but dry for the moment - hope it stays that way as I would like to walk to SW.
Thursday, 16 January 2025
Morning, all. After a very damp and dull day yesterday, today seems to be more of the same. I just popped out to put something in the bin because it's early collection today and it's drizzling miserably!
I managed to get all the stuff dumped in the blue room sorted out and put away. I had made the bed up with Christmas bedding for Sonja's visit so, as it wasn't used, took it all off again, folded it up and put it away, remaking the bed with the usual stuff. I also changed my sheets so getting into bed last night was lovely!
I also sorted out more than twenty things for yesterday and the day before so that was good.
And, not a biggie but it all helps, I descaled the Nespresso so it's now running easier again. I use Wonky Pods (pods saved from recycling before use) so they don't always run through smoothly anyway - every little helps.
The stitches are now out and I need to explain that what I had done was the first stage of an implant so last week was getting the underneath bit (the 'root') into the jaw bone. You could say it was self inflicted. Anyway, absolutely no trouble with the stiches - I didn't even feel them, just the 'snip' of the scissors - and Mr Clough pronounced it all 'beautiful'! Hmm - I suppose you do have to have a certain mentality to be a dentist! Beautiful is not the term I would use for the inside of my mouth!!
Later on, I drove over to Lindsey's for my first PT session since before Christmas. We took it very carefully and gently and she sent me home with some things to do that should help. We decided I would take next week on a day by day basis and not to run before I could walk, so to speak.
It's no worse this morning and, perhaps, a bit easier. All good, anyway.
On to today and it looks busy but it's mostly fun stuff.
There's the ten things, of course - I am one down already!
At nine, my friend Mel is coming over to deliver something and stay for a quick coffee.
At ten, I am over to Chris for more coffee and a natter.
At eleven thirty I am driving over to Val's for lunch and yet another good old chat!
And then, later on, once home, I will be going to Morrisons to do the weekly shop and to drop something off at the Thursday SW group next door.
So - sort of busy but not really. I guess we all have days like that at some time or other.
No housework though - how very sad!
Catriona, did you make a decision about the sweeper?
Have a good one, everyone. Stay safe and enjoy what you do. xx
Wednesday, 15 January 2025
sort out five things - so ten today!
sort out the blue room
Tuesday, 14 January 2025
Morning, everyone.
Going . . . .Going . . .
. . . and gone!
Come this afternoon, the lovely Sharon is here to do my hair which should make me feel loads better.
Monday, 13 January 2025
Hopefully, that's a job for today although we will see how things go.
Sunday, 12 January 2025
Morning, all. Another cold start to the day with more freezing fog and everything looks so beautiful at the moment. I braved the cold and took some snaps.
I doubt it will last long. I think some places further west and north are already seeing higher temperatures and by the end of the day we in the east and south east should too. It will be nice to go out to the freezer without shivering!
Well, it's now two days without pain killers and my tum is feeling loads better for it. Just today on the penicillin and that's finished too. I can't in all honesty say my back is 100% comfortable but it's getting there.
I was so pleased to get all the Christmas china back into the garden room and all the cushions changed over again. Today I am going to try the Christmas tree - fingers crossed, and if that goes OK, I will see if I can get at least some of the boxes out into the garage. I will feel so much happier once that is all done.
The bags of salt are still sitting in the garden room waiting to be put away but out of sight, as we say, out of mind!
Apart from the above, I think today will be another easy day with plenty of time to get on with my knitting and my crochet. I have some large octagons to make for the crochet and then I can start putting everything together. The knitting is slower, of course, but I am on the arm shaping for the back so progress is being made. I love the stitch texture (moss stitch) although it does make for slower progress.
I have a few more ideas for when I've finished the current projects - I hate to not know what to make next!
Right, well, I will love you and leave you. Have a lovely Sunday, whatever your plans. Stay warm, stay safe and be happy! xx
Saturday, 11 January 2025
11-01-25 - not doing very much
There were loads and loads of new or returning member; there always is after Christmas and it was nice to see some familiar faces again.
Friday, 10 January 2025
10-01-24 and the Nutcracker
Hi, everyone. So sorry this is late but I just didn't have time earlier this morning. We didn't get back from London until nearly midnight - no hold-ups, but some were going to The Devil Wears Prada show instead and that didn't finish until later than Nutcracker so by the time I has scraped the car and driven home, etc, it was well past half twelve.
And I had to rush out to SW this morning - and the car needed another good scraping. Ho hum.
It's still so cold now at around twelve, barely touching zero but with lovely bright sunshine that is keeping indoors cosy.
Nutcracker was lovely. I was sat next to my coach pal, Pamela, which was good. She was going to Prada though so, as I got off the coach near the Coliseum, a lady called Valerie came up and said 'Are you on your own because if you are, I am too' so we paired up, so to speak.
The Coliseum was open even though we were nearly an hour and a half early so we went into the 'bar' and Val had a cuppa. I'd already eaten my picnic on the coach.
Turned out she was a bad back sufferer too, much more serious that I, and she had also been a nursery teacher so we had loads in common and had a must enjoyable hour exchanging whinges and moans!!! lol
Our seats weren't together but we linked up after the ballet and wandered into a late-opening shop while we waited for the coach to puck us up.
On to the Nutcracker.
In the entrance, there was a rather lovely - in its own way - Christmas 'tree' made from dyed ballet shoes. Very clever! I expect that it will be taken down at the end of the Nutcracker run which is tomorrow, Saturday.Inside the auditorium we were greeted with this . . . It was one of those that could be faded so one could see the action behind which was used really well, I thought, for the prologue and at the start of the acts.
It was a different choreography to the classical one but I really liked it - Clara had a greater part to play and it was much more clearly her story both in action and in development.
The child dancers were fab, of course, as they always are. What an opportunity for them.
All in all, I had an amazing time, despite the seating which couldn't be described as comfortable in a million years. Even a dose of co-codamol didn't really help as much as it should but now to worry, it didn't spoil it at all. It was bright, magical and sparkly - all the things you want from the Nutcracker.
And the surroundings were very posh indeed.
Thursday, 9 January 2025
Morning, everyone! Cold again, isn't it?
Well, yesterday morning was - er - interesting. After a bad day on Tuesday with the old back, I started taking the pain killers first thing.
I had the first part of my dental implant surgery from eleven onward so at ten thirty I took two co-codamol. They are very strong and I avoid them because of their addictive qualities but the appointment was an hour and I just dreaded it with a hurty back.
They worked, of course, and I was lucky because the whole procedure took around twenty minutes, very straight forward and trouble free (said Tony Clough). Also, lying pretty much flat is the most comfortable position for me at the moment.
I now have a course of penicillin to take so the bunging up side effects of the co-codamol should be balanced by the - er - loosening side effects of the penicillin. I can hope! 😉
I remembered to change one of my standing orders that go into savings and now I am back to saving around 25% of income. I can always change it again, should it be necessary, but it should be OK if I am careful.
Today, Chris is over, hopefully, for coffee and then this afternoon I am off into London to see The Nutcracker. At the moment, I am back on ibuprofen but I am taking some co-codamol with me - any increase in discomfort and I will take them.
On Tuesday, I thought I would not be able to go and was pretty upset as I hade been so looking forward to it but now I'm going to go and hope the meds do the necessary.
Talking of trips, the new newsletter has come through and I have booked three more - I'm going to the Knit and Stitch thing at Ally Pally again as I enjoyed it so very much, I am going to Rye for a day and I've also booked a trip into London in December for some time at Harrods and then on to the RAH for carols.
And that's about it really. After all the fun and colour of Christmas, things have settled again and ;ife goes on.
Have a great day, everyone. All the best xx
Wednesday, 8 January 2025
08-01-25 and New Year Tag
(I got these from Nicky in a Vlog but they are all over the place in my little YouTube corner)
Then I thought 'why restrict it to just Christmas?' so I have started collecting items that I can take along once a month, checking online what is needed at any given time. I would like to be able to donate at least twenty items each month.
I think I finally realised that I am what I am and there's no point trying to be someone else, no matter how much I admire them.
I can do my thing in my way. It's a very freeing thing to hold on to.
And I would love to meet up with Slim Win friends around the world (that's cheating really, isn't it?)
I have shared many of them in here over the months.
She also has a blog.
Tuesday, 7 January 2025
A nice sunset again - a bit dramatic too
Morning all. How's things? It really turned cold around here again yesterday; I've just been out to the freezer to get the day's supplies in and, while it's not frosty, there is a decided chill go the air and I suppose a frost could develop before daylight.
(edit: it is now just past eight and there's a frost!)
Do you remember last week I ordered five 'units' of salt tablets and only one unit was delivered? I ordered some from another company, got in touch with Amazon and they refunded me for what I didn't get. The refund landed in my account early yesterday morning which is good going I think.
So guess what was delivered later on yesterday morning!
Yup. Why I got one unit on Friday and the others on Monday, I have no idea.
Back online to Amazon who were very helpful and have taken back the refund after asking for my permission. And I managed to cancel the other order too.
All's well that ends well and I have to say, Amazon's new way of dealing with issues seems loads better than the old one. I'm not sure I was chatting to a 'real' person as the responses were a bit formulaic, it might have been AI, but they were (or it was) spot on, quick and effective.
I then had to carry eight 10kg bags from the front door to the garden room with a protesting back. Sadly, it didn't do the old back much good at all.
I got the baubles off the Christmas tree but, to take off the lights and dismantle the tree, I need to move it out into the room; it's heavy and I just couldn't. So there it stays for a few more days and, I have to say, it looks really nice with no baubles, just the lights.
I've decided I'm not going to Groove today. I have an hour in the dentist's chair tomorrow and a coach trip to see Nutcracker on Thursday so I want to give my back the best chance of recovery today. I can do a bit of to-ing and fro-ing between garden room and house to sort out cushions and china but no lifting and certainly no dance exercise. I'll do some stretching type stuff; that should help.
So today is clearing up, sorting out, a bit of carpet sweeping if possible and just generally make things clutter free and nice.
How about you? xx
Janice - have you tried using your On Screen Keyboard (OSK) for your full stops. Then you can copy one and paste when you need it. A bit of a work around but, if it helps . . .
Monday, 6 January 2025
06-01-25: a review and moving forward
As I said this time last year, I'm not a great one for 'resolutions' as they rarely last after the ink dries on the paper. I do like having a few themes that I would like to focus on through the year though and last year I had three 'words' - economy, enjoyment and energy.
The year before was a spendy and slightly unsettled year what with big projects and finalising my parents' inheritance so I wanted to get back on an even keel as far as my finances were concerned.
I think I have done that. Yes, some months have been more spendy than others but I have continued to save regularly and have never had more month at the end of the money apart for one off things and that's what one of my savings accounts is for.
I went into how I manage my budget, etc, a few days ago so I won't repeat that but I want to have more low-spend months this year and to increase the amount I am saving into my short term savings account which is my first port of call for things like dental fees, holidays, etc, should the monthly budget not accommodate.
I've been aiming to save 25% but didn't increase it last year when the pensions all increased so I really must get that sorted. Also, I have just remembered that in February and March there's no rates and water to pay for so that can also go into savings.
And when a blood test indicted less than ideal LDLs, I tackled it energetically, tweaking my diet to deal with it. I don't know if I have succeeded yet, I'm not pushing for a repeat blood test, but I do feel well eating according to Mediterranean style principles.