Tuesday 27 August 2024

Tuesday evening, 27-08-24

 Evening, everyone.

As I have been out all day, I thought I would do a bit of a garden update this evening.  I'll post about the trip tomorrow.

First, the edibles . . .

Lovely, aren't they?  As of yesterday, three hadn't come up so I have popped another seed in those places.  If two emerge together, not a problem.  I'm feeling quite excited about broad beans in October/November/ maybe December.
The second planting of dwarf beans are looking very hopeful.  Lots of flowers and the insects seem interested.
On the other hand, while the Autumn fruiting raspberries have flowered and fruit is forming, it's really a very feeble effort and I have ordered replacement plants for when these are over.  They are pretty old now, to be fair.
The runners have been great.  No glut but plenty to keep me going and they have been delicious.
Some of the tomatoes have been really poor this year but some, including this one and the sungolds, have been great.
I'm picking every day at the moment.  Nice.

And the other stuff:

The new dahlias are just lovely - great for picking too.
This doesn't really show the size - it's about 12cms across.
I'm more responsible about dead-heading this year and it's paying back in dividends.
And general views:

The flower bed
The herb and leaf bed.
And the Blankety Bed.

And a general view to finish off with.

Sleep tight, everyone.  Back properly tomorrow.  xx


  1. Lovely tour around your garden. The light in your last picture is just lovely.

    1. The early morning light is lovely at the moment. Clear and clean.
      Thank you. xx

  2. Lovely to look round your garden. Catriona

    1. It is such a little space but it makes me so very happy. xx

  3. I like the shape of your flower/vegetable beds. They look taller than typical raised beds.

    1. Kidney bean shape - not a very romantic term but I like them too - it's quite a square garden and they break up the straight lines.
      I was thinking to future proof when I had them built so, yes, they are taller and I don't have to bend so far when weeding. They're also deeper, they go about three or four feet under ground level so there's a good depth.
      I think it was well worth doing them that way, even if it did require hiring a digger. Bryan (the builder) had a lot of fun with that digger, I believe. xx

  4. The tour of your garden made me smile. Our beans (pole beans) are not really growing as well as they usually do. Still I will take what we can get as they taste so wonderful.

    God bless.

    1. They do taste great, don't they - I believe you mean runner beans, as we call them here. Pole beans is a good name though. :-) What a shame they are not doing so well - would that be because it is so dry, I wonder. I remember Dad telling me they do need an awful lot of water as they are very thirsty plants.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks, Belinda. It makes me happy at the moment. xx

  6. Lovely photos x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Thanks, Alison. Sometimes the light is just right! :-) xx

  7. The flower bed looks especially lovely. It wont be long before I'm thinking of tidying the garden in time for the winter months. Xx

    1. I know. Does it make you a bit sad? It does me. xx

  8. It's all looking beautiful Aren't broad bean seedlings beautiful. :-)

    1. They really are, Sue. They're growing fast too. Exciting. xx
