Friday 2 August 2024

Friday evening, 02-08-24

Evening everyone.  It's been another scorcher today but I think it's supposed to be nice and comfortable tomorrow.  Fingers crossed.

Today started really early.  I just couldn't get back to sleep so I came down and worked out my meal plans for the week.  I'm glad it's all done.

As usual, off I went to Slimming World (half a pound off this week) and had a jolly good time.
After breakfast, I got going with some washing and now I have a basket full of ironing which certainly isn't getting done this evening, not now.
I decided to drive off to the B&Q/Longacres precinct where I found something that will do as a weight for my wind chimes and, in Longacres, I looked at the soil improvement stuff and noticed that there were some bags of 'well rotted farmyard manure'; I'd have got a bag except that I just could not lift it.  My lifting seems to have gone awry today because nor could I manage bags of potting compost (I can usually) so I got some smaller bags instead - more expensive that way but manageable.
Inside Longacres, I was looking at broad bean seeds with a view to maybe early planing some and found some that I could plant now through September and harvest around Christmas.  Interesting.  So I got a packet and I must work on the soil quality of that bed in the next week.  I'm sure there's some good garden compost at the bottom of the bin and I have the chicken poo so I ought to be able to have a go anyway.  I've never heard of broad beans cropping that early, have you?

Have you had a satisfying and fulfilling day?  I do hope it's been good and that you sleep well tonight.  See you tomorrow.  xx


  1. Good results at SW-well done. IT’s gently raining this evening which will do the garden good. Did a big book cull today and now going to post them on local FB page to see if anyone would like them. Catriona

    1. Well done. That's so hard. I hope people gobble up your treasures.
      No rain here (yet) but BBC weather seems to think it will at some point and that it will not get all that hot either. A few fresh days would be lovely. xx

  2. Welcome to my world re lifting! I can just about manage 40l but much prefer lighter. Interesting about the broad bean picking around December, must be worth a try. I have mixed feelings about broad beans, I really only like them young and in their pods, cut like runner beans and then sweated in a little bit of butter and half a chopped shallot.

    1. That sounds delicious but I like broad beans just boiled too - we had them every year when I was young and, like runner beans, they have very happy associations.
      I've ordered some in a bag - I reckon i can drag a bag round to the back and, if not, I can unload some into a bucket and deal with it that way. An expensive way, I know, but who wants a big tractor load nowadays?

  3. The broad beans sound interesting. I like your busy header, too.

    1. Don't they. I didn't realise it was a thing. I knew about late Autumn sowing to get an earlier spring crop and avoid the worst of the blackfly, but not Summer planting for Winter picking. Well, we will see. I plan to get the soil sorted this coming week and then get started. Fingers crossed. xx

  4. The heat doesn’t agree with me! My dad and my sister would sit out in the sun and love it! My mum and myself were the opposite! So I’ll be glad when it’s cooler…and we need some rain here!

    I was hoping that, with three compost bins, I could work towards buying less compost as I do get through it! My bins are pretty good and do provide a good amount; I’m fairly new to composting so I’m still learning!

    I hope that you have success with your broad beans!

    Happy weekend 😁

    1. I have one bin - that's all there's room for im my smallish space and it is a bin rather than a proper compost heap. Dad had three or four heaps on the go so there was always an available source of compost. But he had a very big garden. xx

  5. Apologies Joy this has nothing to do with your nice post - I've just realised that the print on your blog has reverted to a readable size....... feels like completely randomly but who knows 😂
    Alison in Wales x

    1. How very odd. Something to do with Blogger, maybe? I'm glad it is back to normal again anyway, thanks for letting me know. xx

    2. 😘
      Alison x
