Wednesday 7 August 2024

Wednesday evening, 07-08-24

Evening, all.
And today's headline news is . . .

Look - evidence . . .

They were lovely too - really delicious.
See how exciting my life is!  😀

It was another energetic day because I did two classes.  Circuits was this morning and then this afternoon I went to personal training.
It's not quite so simple getting to Lindsey's as it usually is because Valley Bridge is closed for two weeks while the bridge is repaired (so pretty crucial) and the only two other ways are either into town and back out or up out of town and back in.

I've been doing the former this week because it's pretty easy but, as it was late afternoon and rush hour, I decided to go the longer up out and back in.
Not great - pretty busy.  The trouble is, Valley Bridge takes a tremendous amount of traffic and it all has to go other ways.
So I though I'd go back into town to get home, round the one way and out again.  When I got to the turn off for the other way, it was jam packed and I gave myself a congratulatory pat on the back.

Big mistake.  Town was an absolute disaster too, just round the one way that is usually quite smooth.  It was absolutely chocca and what should have taken me fifteen/twenty minutes tops ended up taking over three quarters of an hour.

Oh, well, only two weeks and it is only this session that creates any travel problems.  I've asked Lindsey if she could possibly do me a couple of hours earlier next week, before the rush hour and, as I type, a message has popped through from her offering midday instead.  What a star she is.

I'm feeling a bit twitchy.  There are rumours of trouble in town this evening, probably social media generated but even so, it's not at all a nice thought, is it?  The police say they are ready, don't believe everything you read, etc, etc, but even so . . .  I've told Beth and Alex not to go out - well, I say 'told', I really mean 'advised'.

Goodness, what a cheery note to end on - sorry.  I hope you haven't experienced any demonstrations/hate marches/any of this current nastiness and violence.

Saying 'sleep well' sounds a bit silly really but I hope you do anyway and I am sure I will.  xx


  1. Not safe???

    1. Actually perfectly safe - nothing happened although in Southend it seems there was a large anti-racism counter-demo which is at the same time reassuring and worrying - reassuring that so many are totally denying and rejecting the far-right claims and worrying because these things have the potential to tip into more aggressive confrontation.
      But last night, all was well, thank goodness. xx

  2. We are undecided about going away in the motorhome because of potential trouble so I understand your unease.x Catriona

    1. Unease is a good way to describe it. I hope you feel you are able to go but would totally understand if not. xx

  3. It's the time of construction and we are in the midst of that as well. Our road and alley have been cut off since May. At least we can still park in our driveway, my friend has to park a block away as her driveway is unusable.

    God bless.

    1. Oh, goodness - that's a long time. It must be major work going on. At least Valley Bridge is just the fortnight, possibly a bit longer, but it will be finished before the schools go back and the traffic pretty much doubles at school run times. xx

  4. I wish I had half your energy! The food looks lovely and to know where it comes from is definitely nice.

    1. Yes, it is nice.
      You know, I have no idea where the energy comes from but you go for all those lovely walks for hours around your beautiful area so I reckon you have plenty of energy - it's great!! xx

  5. The runners are lovely, Mum would have said you " had picked a boiling of beans "
    just enough for a meal in other words 😀
    Hope your area stays calm. We are very fortunate at these times to be rural.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Yes, a boiling of beans - what a lovely saying. I'll remember that.
      Everything stayed calm, thanks. I live right on the edge but Beth and Alex live in town so I had concerns. However, things were fine, thankfully. xx

  6. Your garden harvest looks wonderful. Zero food miles. Xx

    1. Absolutely.
      It's not much but oh, the flavour! xx

  7. Fresh food is worth the effort - nothing else compares.

  8. It sounds like you've had quite a day—busy but productive! I'm glad you managed to get your sessions in despite the traffic chaos.

    It’s good to hear that Lindsey was flexible with the timing for you. I hope the situation in town calms down and doesn’t affect your plans further.

    I just posted a new blog post, I invite you to read and let me know what you think about it. Thank you!

    1. Hi, Melody! Thanks for the link, I will take a look.
      Lindsey is just such a lovely lady, she always wants the best for everyone. xx

  9. First pickings of beans are a real treat aren't they. A bit like when asparagus is in season and every bit as delicious.
