Saturday 3 August 2024

Saturday evening, Beth wrote . . .

 Something a bit different from me this evening.  Beth wrote this on her Facebook page this morning.  She's really good with words, is my Beth, and the more she feels, the better she gets . . .

I'm not expecting comments, please.  Just read and see what you think.

When I asked her for permission to use the below, she gave it and added:
"Super frustrated at how people jump on any woman who don't fit a very narrowly defined picture of what a woman should be."

Here we are . . .

"Been oblivious to this all week as been mad busy but what is this load of Olympic nonsense I am hearing. I do of course have some thoughts on this. Brace yourselves.
1) She's not even trans. She's not a man. She's never been a man. She was pronounced female at birth, (so not to be crude but we can assume she probably looks female down below), was raised female, identifies as a woman. Legally, socially and culturally she is and always has been female.
I understand she even has a uterus. Funny how the 'Men don't have uteruses' stance is suddenly so flexible.
2) Since when did men have to 'pretend to be women' to beat women up? This has never been a prerequisite for male violence. Men have never had to go to any kind of effort to do this.
3) It's boxing. Punching your opponent as hard as you possibly can until they concede is literally the point. I don't like the thought of it much, and don't enjoy boxing, but boxers kind of know they are going to hit and get hit.
4) I understand most trans sportsmen are not allowed to compete in the Olympics under the rules. There are rules. And panels. And committees. It's not unregulated. You are allowed to disagree with the rules but she hasn't broken any rules.
5) Oh, and now she's been dragged to filth, needs bodyguards for safety, has had her medical history and identity misreported all over the internet and will now return to a country wrongly identified as a trans woman where people who are trans can be killed we're supposed to agree SHE'S the bully?
I think not. "


  1. Amen❤️ Catriona

  2. I personally believe your DNA determines whether you are male or female. it is definitive, and cannot be changed. That should be the decider as to whether you compete as a male or female athlete, as this affects every muscle/ hormone within your body.

  3. Well said Beth. Could not agree with you more. I worry for this woman wherever she goes now. I am disappointed in JK Rowling who has waded into the debate with her very negative viewpoint.

  4. Well said Beth. You worded that succinctly and perfectly, if only more people understood, or even took the time to TRY and understand.

  5. What a FABULOUS statement on the topic.
