Tuesday, 3 December 2024

Blogmas day 3 and the Advent music.

Morning, everyone.  Blogmas, day 3.  Yay!

Yesterday happened.  Didn't feel great but it was OK.  I skipped circuits and was glad I made that decision.  I went to the dentist and had my poorly tooth mended - it was a filling that had cracked and some had fallen off.  It appears that I also need a filling replaced on the other side because it is also cracked - honestly, my mouth is totally cracking up, isn't it?  
I have an appointment for a fortnight's time.

I forgot to read the gas meter over the weekend so I did that yesterday and sent off the reading.  Then I finished off November's finances and carried over a fairly encouraging amount.  As it is December, I will keep it in my bank account and whatever remains at the end of December will go into savings so I start the new year with a clean slate, so to speak.  This month shouldn't be too bad - I have most presents already and a fair bit of the 'special' food plus £20 in More vouchers that I have been saving up for a while - and that £10 Christmas 'bonus' that has just landed in my account.  Apart from the dental bills, that is, but I would have them anyway!

I managed to get the ironing all done, which was a relief.  I don't like it hanging around, drying out too much and looking all messy.

And I put out a few more bits and pieces of decor.  I don't do dangling from the ceiling stuff, I just put things out in little 'arrangements.

The two candle sticks were a pair Mum and Dad bought - in Germany, I think.  They gave one to me and kept the other so, of course, when we were clearing the house, I took its pair as John didn't want it.
I don't light the teardrop candles and they are jolly expensive.  They just sit there looking pretty!
Just my plants (which I haven't managed to kill for years (touch wood) and a light thingy.  It looks really very pretty, much nicer than the photo would suggest.

And Mr Robin is really a door stop - the right colours for Christmas!

I totally forgot about the Christmas cushions - I'll get them out today, maybe.

On to today and first of all the Advent of Change.  Behind door 3, it says:
'Today you have helped a family with a seriously ill child get to hospital for their vital medical treatment.'
Isn't that fab - it's not the sort of thing one usually thinks of in relation to charity donations.
The charity is the Rainbow Trust.   https://www.rainbowtrust.org.uk/about

The M&S gift for today is a hair elasticiser.  I have to admit, I have not used a product like this but it looks as if it is a fancy pants conditioner that you have to leave on for ages and ages - which is all a bit of a pain but I will use it and see if it makes any significant difference.
Just not today.

I'll do the jigsaw a bit later on and photos it for tomorrow.

I'm not going to Groove today.  You know how it is with colds - you get to the point where, if you move too fast you start coughing.  Hopefully, I will be OK for personal training tomorrow.  They say once the cold starts 'breaking up' (obnoxious and disgusting but you do start feeling better), you aren't really infectious any more (I hope) ar, at least, that the most infectious stage is over.  Like measles!

Later on, the lovely Sharon comes to sort my hair out, thank goodness.  It does need a bit of tidying up.  However, apart from that, the day's my own so I'll see how I feel later on.

Oh, and I need to make some more bread.  I think this time, as well as adding mixed seeds, I will crumble in some chestnuts for a festive vibe.  They're very good for you, chestnuts are!

And NS has just informed me that my Premium Bonds have just won me £100 this month.  How nice is that?  Lovely.

I'm continuing with the croony vibe today with one that almost never applies to a UK Christmas but I love it anyway.
Actually, it isn't really Christmassy at all, except by association!
Living in a Winter Wonderland sung by the late, great Bing Crosby.


  1. How very lovely your Christmas displays are. We have one of the light thingys - it's great. I love your header too, I've had a few days with no blog reading so playing catch up!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I really do need to catch up tooi - thanks for the reminder. Maybe later on today.
      Thank you - I'm glad you like it all xx

  2. I'm glad you're on your way to getting your teeth sorted. I hope you manage to get all the work done in time for Christmas.
    I love your robin door stop. It must be the angle of how he's sitting, but he looks a little bit grumpy :)

    1. Possibly because he has been ignored most of the year. You know what robins are like!!

  3. Sorry you have a cold, but sounds as though you're on the mend.

  4. Some lovely displays. Congratulations on the Premium Bond win, Ernie has been good to you this year hasn't he. Have you totted up your total winnings?

    1. Yes, I have. Nearly £1,200 - good, isn't it? And thank you. xx

    2. That is amazing, so much better than the interest a bank would have given you on savings. Well done. xx

    3. I think so too - and, unlike the lottery, you keep your initial investment. :-) xx

  5. Hope you're feeling better now. Keep warm, keep hydrated.

    1. Thanks - I have been. Never was a downstairs loo so useful!! xx

  6. You can’t beat a crooner at Christmas!
    Well done on your win! And don’t spend that £10 Christmas bonus all at once! 😁

  7. I do love your Gnome girl, she looks fab. The teardrop candles look just right in the candlesticks your parents bought, how lovely that you could have the matching one. Great Premium Bonds win for Christmas! You have done well with them - we only ever won £10 twice I think over the couple of years we had ours. I've just had my £10 Christmas bonus, husband hasn't had his yet. Now, what shall I buy....? I hope your cold doesn't linger, or go to your chest - not what you need or want! xx

    1. She's very cute, isn't she?
      Thank you, Sooze - have fun spending your tenner. Time to splash out??? hee hee. xx

  8. I love all your arrangements which is what I do too. Shattered after Craft Group-we made three different cards today. Catriona

    1. It's nice to have a bit of stability in this season, I think. Three cards - wow, no wonder you are shattered. That's some going. xx

  9. What lovely Christmas displays. I did not go to a friends for coffee as my husband is not feeling well, and if he decides to share this, I don't want to pass it on to anyone else.

    God bless.

    1. One just has to be sensible, I think. It is disappointing but staying warm at home is also really nice. xx

  10. Your displays are lovely! I've put my Advent forest out and made some magazine stars for school but that's all I've done!

    1. There's still plenty of time for you. One of the lovely things about retirement is that there's more time for this sort of thing. I'm loving it so much! xx
