Wednesday 28 August 2024

Wednesday evening, 28-08-24

Hello, everyone, and a very good evening to you all.  Today started off a bit chilly, then the sun came out and this afternoon was an absolute scorcher.  It's cooled off again now so it shouldn't' be uncomfortable overnight, thankfully.  Has it been hot your way?

I trotted off to Lindsey's for circuits first thing and it was so good.  There were - er - I think eight adults and six youngsters of varying ages and it was great fun.  That's it now for a couple of weeks and then the Autumn block starts.

I stayed for personal training and it was fine, not too much at all.  Again, most enjoyable and  no more for two weeks.  Lindsey is off on holiday with her family on Sunday and I hope she has a wonderful time.  There's a SET tomorrow which I am doing and one on Saturday morning which I am not sure about and that's the end of the summer block for us all.

Back at home, I had a go at another focaccia, using wholemeal spelt this time.  I also added chopped olives and sundried tomatoes and mmmmmm.  I had one piece (you have to, don't you?) and the rest is wrapped and frozen now.

Apart from the above, it has been a gentle day.  I ought to have done a load of darks but didn't so that's top of the list tomorrow.
This evening I'm going to browse through the Jamie Oliver book that arrived yesterday in hopes of finding some really delicious Mediterranean recipes to try.  It looks really good so fingers crossed.
What are you doing?

Nighty night, everyone.  Sleep well and stay cool.  xx

Edit:  eeek, I have just realised I said I'd write about the V&A and I haven't.  Tomorrow, folks, I'll get it up tomorrow . . .  


  1. Foccacia sounds wonderful and look forward to hearing about the V and A. Catriona

    1. I'm so grateful that Anna mentioned it last Friday. It's definitely going to be a staple for me from now on. xx

  2. Your Focaccia sounds very tasty.

    God bless.

    1. It really is. I am sure it isn't proper authentic and maybe the next step is to look up a proper one and see if it does ok in Thermione. xx

  3. It was warm here yesterday afternoon and this morning is bright and sunny. Every day feels like Sunday at the moment.

    1. It does rather. Quite an odd feeling but my associations with Sundays are very happy so it's good. It is lovely here today too. xx

  4. I've not made a focaccia for ages, I need to give it a go again, in fact I need to make some more bread in general, it's been so long. How did you manage to stop at just one piece!! ;-)

    1. Good question. It's very nice. I love making bread; it is so satisfying. xx
