Monday 19 August 2024

Monday evening, 19-08-24

Good evening, everyone.

Well, what was it Robbie Burns wrote about best laid plans?  

The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men
          Gang aft agley,
An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain,
          For promis’d joy!

Yup!!! After a disturbed night with toothache, I bit the bullet, cancelled circuits and grovelled at the dental surgery. Actually, I didn't have to grovel, they were very kind and understanding and by nine thirty I was out with a very numb jaw, having had one temporary filling taken out, the tooth cavity cleaned again, new medication added in and another temporary filling on top. The dentist, Maddie, said that should work for the two weeks before my proper appointment to have the root canal work and a crown. Hope so - because it cost an arm and a leg but no complaints, I am yet again thankful for short term savings.

I was feeling very wobbly and woozy so cancelled Alex coming over for lunch and we've rescheduled for next Monday.  He was very understanding too.

I will be very glad when this flippin' tooth is done and dusted.  It's been a right nuisance.

And one of the imponderable of life - how can a totally numbed jaw itch so much?  😕

I have taken the rest of the day very easy. I had a few sleeps and generally warmed up (I felt shivery most of the morning - just reaction, I guess) and, by early evening, felt fine again so I did part of the online Groove class which really helped.

Fingers crossed tomorrow goes rather more smoothly and as planned.  For now, I am hoping for an unbroken night's sleep.  Sleep well, everyone.  xx


  1. Lately my daily plans seem to change on a dime. Mostly due to the extreme heat of the last few days though and a silly backache from me being a bit of a crazy person.

    God bless.

    1. I am sure if we had the sort of heat round here that you get, my plans would be changing constantly too. You just have to go with the flow in extremes, don't you?
      I'm so very sorry your back is still not good. Sending love and healing vibes. xx

  2. AwakenedSoul: Glad you were able to get some temporary relief. You were wise to cancel your plans. Hope you are feeling better. I am on a different device and can only comment as Anonymous.

    1. It's much better again now, thanks, Steph. It is just 'there' if you know what I mean. Not actual pain, just an awareness. I have the rest of the treatment in a fortnight and after that things should be good again. I'm just very grateful the practise never turns away emergencies and that they were able to see me so quickly. So good. xx

  3. Awwww, you have my every sympathy, I hate toothache it casts a shadow over all your activities and can make you feel very miserable. So glad you'll not have to wait too much longer for the permanent fix.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Thanks. It has been fine today - I know it is 'there' but that's all. No worries. xx

  4. Hope you had a good sleep and the itchy jaw and mangled tooth have quietened down. Fingers crossed the temporary filling holds until the proper repair. xx

    1. Thanks - I'm hoping so but, if not, I will just have to go back. xx

  5. Oh dear, you have been in the wars. I hope it's all settled down again. Perhaps a gentle day is called for today.

    1. It has been - great minds think alike. :-) xx

  6. That was really good of them to get you sorted out, and in slightly less pain. Hopefully the rest of the week will be nice and quiet, as you initially hoped it would.

    1. Yes, I was so glad. I've never asked for something like that before but I saw a sign on the wall saying they covered emergencies as well as scheduled stuff so if things were running late, please be patient and understanding. So reassuring because you do hear some horror stories, don't you? xx

  7. Oh no! I'm sorry to her about your toothache. I hope you're feeling much better now. Xx

    1. That's very kind - I am, thanks, but will be glad when the treatment is finished. xx
