Wednesday 11 September 2024

Wednesday evening - 11-09-24

Evening, all.  

It's been so cold here today.  A bit windy too with sudden, gusty showers so, after having to rush out and get in the washing, I set up my drying racks and the living room is full of drying clothes - well, it feels full anyway!

Poor old Beth has had another dental doing, ending up at A&E last night.  Chest pains, couldn't open her mouth, at one point couldn't swallow.  She said it was more than a bit scary but the conclusion (after testing - she has a strong ticker, they found) she came home with a huge swelling on one side, two lots of antibiotics and pain killers and a diagnosis of a nasty abscess.  Later on, I went shopping for her and went over with custard, various mash, ice-cream, soup, canned pears (mashable) - all stuff she can eat without opening her mouth - because she can't.
She has a dental appointment next week anyway.

I will go over again tomorrow and I hope she will have a good sleep overnight as things ease off.  She didn't sleep last night.
All rather worrying really so, please, send over good vibes, etc.  

I've done the ironing that was dry and will do the rest tomorrow.

Night, everyone.  Sweet dreams.


  1. Oh no! Poor Beth. I hope she manages to sleep okay tonight. Fingers crossed the antibiotics help for the time being, and that she gets it sorted next week. Xx

    1. Thanks, Jules. She really has had a rough time of it recently. Thank you. xx

  2. Oh, dear, poor Beth. I hope the antibiotics do their job and she feels much better very soon.

    1. I think she is feeling a l;ittle bit better. Thanks, Janice. xx

  3. Poor Beth, I am so sorry to hear about the abscess. Very scary for all of you with a trip to A & E. I hope the antibiotics work quickly and she gets things sorted as soon as possible at her dentist. Thinking of you.

    1. Not nice for her at all. I think she is feeling a bit better now and I will be popping over again tomorrow to see if she needs anything. xx

  4. Poor Beth, I hope she gets better soon. It's good she's got you to help care for her.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I don't do much - Alex has been a star. xx

  5. Poor Beth-why does so much dental work end up with antibiotics nowadays ?? Hope they work and she gets a good sleep. Catriona

    1. She did get some sleep today, thanks. Fingers crossed for overnight now. xx
