Saturday 24 August 2024

Saturday morning, 24-08-24

Morning, everyone (I haven't said that for a while, have I?) and welcome to a rather wet and cool Saturday morning.  For once, the garden beds have received a good old soaking and there's a forecast of 'heavy rain' for most of the day.  Just as well I have a day of chilling at home planned.

Yesterday was a right mix!

I went off to Slimming World group as usual.  It was really very quiet with a lot of the usual folk away on holiday.  To balance that a bit, we got some people from today's group who are, presumably, going on holiday today.
I was so happy to lose one and a half pounds to get me back into my happy zone (my SW target range which means I don't have to pay at group).
I promised myself a recipe book I have been after for a while when I got back into happy zone so I'm off to Amazin later on today!

Then I drove over to my appointment at the GP surgery for my meds review.  They were very pleased with my blood pressure readings (which is what I take meds for) but I was a bit floored by the news that my cholesterol levels give concern, being right at the top of what they should be and, breaking that down, my 'bad' cholesterol is too high.  Bother, bother, bother.
I REALLY don't want to start statins so we agreed that I have six months to tweak diet and lifestyle and they will call be back for another blood test, etc, then.  I know it is my choice anyway . . .
The trouble is, as we both agreed, my lifestyle is pretty good already, as is my diet.  I'm going to investigate the Mediterranean diet way of eating which will just involve some tweaking really, introducing more healthy oils, nuts and seeds which are pretty low at present, I admit - I've been on SW after all!
It should mesh in with SW principles with a bit of thought.
Anyway - enough of that; I'll rabbit on about it in the other blog.

I drove home again and the rest of the afternoon was spend sorting out downstairs and getting things prepped for dinner.  Dave and Anna arrived and, bless them, instead of the usual wine they bring, because I had said 'none for me, thanks', they bought alcohol free wine instead. 
The sparkly one was quite nice - Lagioiosa et Amorosa (looking at the label to get it right), I wouldn't get the rose again and the white is still sitting in the fridge.   I've already tried Nosecco and quite like that too

Anna is really in to making focaccia so we had a good natter about that and I want to have a go at it today.  She said it is very easy.  We will see!

The other thing for today is to do some Googling and get some info together before doing the weekly meal plan for the coming week.  Should be fun.

Have a great day everyone, and stay dry!  xx


  1. You had a very nice evening, by the sound of it. Non-alcoholic wine can be very nice - it's all a matter of taste.
    I agree with you - steer clear of statins. People report some nasty side effects and a friend of ours had dreadful, life-changing effects from them. As you say, it's a matter of choice.

    1. Yes, that is my understanding. I know some are fine with them - Mum and Dad were - but . . .
      If I can do it with diet and lifestyle and/or if it remains 'borderline' , not for me. But it will have to be an ongoing decision and, in the meanwhile, I will have fun exploring what some call 'the healthiest diet in the world'. Can't be bad! xx

  2. My sister is fine on statins but I wouldn't be keen on taking them myself. I'd love to eat more in the Mediterranean style but lack commitment 🙄 Ah well, perhaps I'll knuckle down to it soon 😉
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I quite enjoy a foody challenge . . . I'm looking forward to it.
      I'm glad they are OK for your sister. xx

  3. Well done on getting back into your happy zone! Husband takes statins....quite sensible with his heart issues. I don't, and my cholesterol level, like yours, is borderline - it's a matter of personal choice isn't it. I once asked my GP, who brought up the subject of statins every time I went to see him, for whatever reason, if he would take them himself - he said No! So I said well there you go then, stop asking me to take them! I've often considered doing the Mediterranean diet, perhaps I should stop thinking and start doing! xx

    1. Well - I know you follow my other blog so maybe we could share experiences via comments in there - or by email . . .
      I'm quite excited to have another challenge, to be honest. It keeps me motivated! xx

  4. My blood pressure is always sky-high and we must have worked through the entire repertoire of medications by now, including mixing different kinds together.
    I get all the side effects and none of the reduction in BP. My cholesterol is always really borderline, and I have had the statin conversations many times. Last time it had gone down a smidge so the conversation wasn't had. :-)

    1. Oh, gosh - that's not great, is it? Hoping it goes down again soon. xx
