Sunday 8 September 2024

Sunday evening, 08-09-24 - The Wisdom of Beth

Taken from Beth's Facebook page and used with her permission.

How not to disgrace yourself at the dentist #391-400

1)Eeeeeeee! is not an appropriate response to having multiple injections into the gum. Adult humans usually say ow, ouch or ah. They do not squeak like a guinea pig.

2) Do not jerk away from the needle, because the anaesthetic will go down your throat.

3) Do not choke on anaesthetic

4) When one's mouth is numb, remember to account for this when rinsing. Otherwise you will spit water all down your top. And the floor.

5) Giggling about this is probably not the appropriate response.

6) In second appointment, handle the denture with care, lest a tooth comes off.

7) If a tooth DOES come off, do not say oops and drop it on the floor, so that dentist, dental nurse and apprentice all end up on their hands and knees, bums in air looking for said tooth.

8)  Giggling about this is probably not the appropriate response.

9) When you have LITERALLY JUST BROKEN SOMETHING do not grab the plaster cast of your mouth and go 'Ooooh is this my mouth? How cool' so the now haunted looking dentist has to gently remove it before you bloody break that too.

10) Giggling about this... well you know the rest.

Poor Beth - she really is dentist-phobic . . . far worse than her mum, bless her.


  1. I'm not happy with dentists myself either!

    1. Most people aren't. Having someone messing about with your mouth is more than a little unsettling, I think, without the potential for pain. And, to be fair, they tend to be very good with preventing/minimising pain nowadays.

  2. Very few people actively enjoy visiting the dentist. I feel sorry for dentists, they're usually really nice people.

    1. Me too. They are - ours are lovely and so very gentle and understanding. xx

  3. That's really witty and I'm sure based on the truth, well written Beth 😀
    Alison in Wales x

  4. Good that she can laugh about it! Catriona

    1. She can now - I think she was very upset at the time . . . xx

  5. Well written Beth! Hope she has recovered now.

    I feel sorry for dentists - nearly everybody hates them!

    1. Yes, she has, thanks, until the next part of the treatment, bless her.
      Me too - but I have been very thankful for them over this summer. xx

  6. I don't know what happened to my comment. Hardly anyone actively enjoys going to the dentist. Most of them are really pleasant but everyone hates them.

    1. It was in spam! It wasn't there yesterday and it's back here now. No idea why but that is Blogger for you! Sorry, Janice. xx

  7. Dentists are a necessary evil. 😂

  8. Well written Beth, that is perfect ... and speaks of experience. :-)

  9. Replies
    1. Me too. That's what Beth does - she writes out her traumatic experiences to make them manageable. xx

  10. I am terrible at the dentist. I would add no pulling at dentist's hand to try to stop them going into your mouth lol. I was almost sick at the dentists once. I gagged but managed to stop. Ack. Not a good post to read as I have an appointment next week and I've been worried about it for a while already!

    1. Oh, dear. I'm so sorry, Sharon. WIshing you well and that the stress fades a bit. xx

  11. This made me chuckle. Thankfully, my new dentist is lovely. Xx

    1. Me too.
      They usually are nowadays and I do wonder whether the somewhat 'brusque' manner of the olden days was because they knew they were going to hurt you and that must have been difficult to live with. Thank goodness for modern anaesthetics.

  12. This made me smile after my visit to the dentist this morning :-)

    1. Oh,. dear. I hope it went OK for you. xx
