Tuesday 6 August 2024

Tuesday evening, 06-08-24

Evening, everyone.
It's been another very ordinary, routine sort of day.  It started off warm and sunny and the walk to the hall for Groove was very pleasant.  Groove itself was hot and sweaty and, after a much fresher walk home, I still needed another quick bath before facing the rest of the day.

It turned a bit dark and gloomy but not enough to stop me hanging out some washing.  The trouble with doing extra exercise classes in this warm weather is that one has extra exercise wear to wash as they can only be worn once.  So three sets of leggings and tops went in the machine with other darks that needed doing and then out on the line . . .

. . . until it started raining.  Grrrr  I didn't notice at first so it got a bit damp but not to worry, it is now all dry, ironed and ready to put away.

And that really was about it - a bit of housework, some cooking and then I got on with my knitting.
It did cheer up again after a while but it's much cooler and fresher than I thought the day would be.  Really rather nice.

As I said - just a very ordinary day!
Sleep well, everyone, and have a great day tomorrow.  xx


  1. I got caught out with a downpour too - sheets etc on the line, suddenly the first drops were falling and as I was struggling to pull everything off the whirligig it was just as if someone was stood above me pouring a huge bucket of water on my head, you have to laugh 😉😩😂😁😏😳
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Oh, no! Yes, I am laughing but oh, dear!! It has to happen sometime, doesn't it? xx

  2. When it rains on the washing I just regard it as an extra rinse . . .

    1. I love that! What a positive attitude! xx

  3. We had a gentle summer rain that wets the ground beautifully, but sadly for just barely an hour.

    1. I think ours was a bit heavier and certainly a bit longer but it worked miracles with the humidity - I've just done circuits outside at Lindsey's and it was warm but fresh and absolutely lovely! xx

  4. Well done on keeping up your exercise programme in this weather. Catriona

    1. < grin > I've paid for them, you see, otherwise it would be very tempting . . .
      Thanks. xx

  5. An ordinary day is a good day. Xx

    1. Absolutely it is. Nothing wrong with 'ordinary'. It's very relaxing. xx
