Saturday 31 August 2024

Saturday evening, 31-08-24

Good evening, everyone.
The Wisley post will be up tomorrow.  There are so many photos and I haven't gone through them all yet.

It has felt like Friday today because I went to a morning SW group - not Jen's, that was yesterday and I couldn't go - so that's most likely why it has felt Fridayish.  It was a good group, nice people, but it wasn't OUR group.  I'm sure you know what I mean.  However, I lost another pound so that's good AND I won the raffle!  When I messaged Jen to let her know, she replied . . .
"Oh Joy that's so funny! Everyone yesterday said they were in with a chance to win this week because you weren't there! Wait till I tell them you won in the group you visited!! "
I do seem to have won fairly often recently.

It was cold today, I thought. When I got home I changed into leggings and put a knitted jumper over my T shirt, the jumper I made recently using the fisherman's rib stitch. It's lovely and cosy and will be so comfy with one of my my warm polo neck thermal things underneath when it is proper cold.

That's about it really. I did a bit of photo editing, quite a lot of knitting, some meal planning - the usual Saturday stuff. I'm taking it nice and easy this weekend after a busy week.

Ho has your day been? And have you felt cold too? Maybe the fine weather has broken which would be a shame but there's nothing we can do about it, is there?

Have a lovely evening, everyone, and sleep well. xx


  1. We finally had a scorching day here today and of course I had lots of things to do in the house! I am trying to plan my craft classes from now until December so that I know what I need to buy/scrounge before then. Off to read my book now. Catriona

    1. How different but about time you had a share of the warmth. Hoping the plans went well and I'm really looking forward to reading about them on Facebook. xx

  2. It was warm here, then chilly in the late afternoon. I don't mind cooler weather.

    1. I don't mind any weather really, although it's easy to grumble a bit. It all had it's plusses and not-so-plusses. Rain is great for the garden and refills the water butt. I love that! :-) xx

  3. Cooler here today, but after weeks of extremely warm (hot) weather I am glad of the change.

    God bless.

    1. I can understand that - you have had some very extreme heat, haven't you. I'm glad it is cooler. xx

  4. It was the most beautiful sunny day here, but became much, much cooler in the evening. It's that time of year, sadly. My friend was at an outdoor cinema event and she had to wrap up well. X

    1. It is. The days are getting shorter, the nights longer and the sun more diffused. To be fair, we had a bit of sun in the afternoon but not enough for me to want to take off my jumper.
      I wonder what sort of winter we will get this time.
