Wednesday 21 August 2024

Wednesday evening, 21-08-24

Evening, one and all.
Today has been . . . er - let's say frustrating!

It started off well enough and can we just admire these lovely roses that A bought for me yesterday when she came round.

Aren't they lovely?

Anyway - a good start after a great night's sleep and I even got one load of washing done and out o the line and another load in before leaving to take the car to the garage.

Once there, I reminded them again that I would need to leave by 11:45 and sat down with my Kindle and one of their quite nice coffees.
Time passed.
At half past eleven a very apologetic young man came over to say they hadn't started the work yet.  I said I needed to leave in fifteen minutes so I'd better take the car and rebook.
He said could I bring it back later.
I said yes, I could have it back just after one.
He said it was their lunch break then.  
I was getting more and more into stern teacher mode by now but I agreed to bring it back at two.  I had planned to do a food shop then but . . . well, needs must, eh?
(Actually, that worked well because I did my personal training at Lindsey's, then went home, got the first load of washing in, put the second load out and had my lunch).
So, back at two and I waited for another hour and a bit with another admittedly excellent coffee before he came back and I swear he was almost trembling, poor chap.
The part that they had ordered was faulty!!
Isn't it lucky that it's not an actual necessity for a safe car?

They're getting another part and when that has arrived they will contact me to set another date. 
But honestly - what a waste of a day in a week that has already had too many things falling like dominoes.

But I did the shopping, came home, sorted it all out properly, got in the washing, had dinner, tidied the kitchen, did all the ironing and . . . I think I'm back on schedule again.
And I am shattered - it's not that I've done more than I planned anyway, it's just been so very frustrating.

Another good night - let's hope so.  Aaaaaand breathe!

Hoping your day has slotted into place a lot better than mine.  xx


  1. What a disaster of a day. I suppose the garage didn't realise they needed a part and then discovered they didn't have a replacement. Garages cannot carry all the spare parts that might be needed, but even so, it's frustrating, to say the least. Let tomorrow be a better day :-)

  2. Sorry, misread that - the spare part was faulty . . .

    1. Yes, that's it. I had the main service last week and the car stayed in overnight then but I had to book in a separate time for this part because of 'getting the part'. And when they tried to fit that part yesterday, it turned out to be faulty.
      It seems to be the way nowadays - no-one keeps every part in that they are going to need; they couldn't, I guess.

  3. I only schedule one thing during the week and some weeks none…no way to determine…doc…car…etc…never same week lol…good luck with car..Brenda

    1. Well, to be fair, that's why one pre-books. I'm not going to miss my regular weekly things (like PT, Groove, etc) if I don't have to and some things (like dental appointments) are as rare as hen's teeth so you take what's there. Monday's little shenanigan was an emergency anyway, of course. :-)

    2. Here we take what we can get and when
      Doc. Dentist and car
      No choices at all lol. Brenda

  4. That would have been very frustrating.
    I'm chuckling that your mechanic was almost trembling. You must have been in full teacher mode :)
    On a happier note, those roses are beautiful. Xx

    1. Oh, I really was. Poor lad. I gave him a nice smile at the end though. xx

  5. Oh gosh, that was so frustrating. Is it wrong that I love that you had the poor young mechanic trembling in his boots. Sometimes teacher, or in my case 'boss' mode, comes in very handy. :-)

    1. It was frustrating and, yes, that 'are you trying to mess with me' mode is great! xx

  6. It's a good thing we don't have crystal balls isn't it - some mornings we wouldn't bother getting up 😀🤗
    Alison in Wales x

  7. I think the most frustrating thing with things like this - garages doing work on our cars, e.g. - is that they often don't keep us informed. If they actually had the courtesy to come out (or ring us) and tell us, it wouldn't be so bad. At least we'd know then. xx

    1. Exactly! Delays happen, we all know that, it's the lack of info that is so irritating. xx

  8. It's the fruitless waiting around isn't it and then being told the bad news right at the end. Grrr! Teacher mode is well tremble-worthy, I have a friend who slips into it occasionally, makes me laugh!
