Thursday 8 August 2024

Thursday evening, 08-08-24

Evening, everyone.
I'm desperately weary this evening; I woke so early this morning and haven't had a snooze during the day so, for two pins, I could go to bed right now - but I won't!

It was a beautifully sunny morning so I set the parasol up and the chairs for Chris and me to sit out to enjoy our coffee and chat.

I did a very small weekly shop as really the only things I needed were fruit and veg - great for the August budget!

And I've finished the blue jumper.  It's very slouchy and floppy and should be perfect for a winter snuggle in my recliner.
It wasn't' the best written pattern I have ever come across and when I make it again (which I will) there are several small changes I want to make.
I enjoyed knitting it though.

Later on the sunshine vanished as the clouds rolled in, the wind picked up and we have had rain.  At least it stopped the day from getting super-warm and humid and the plants looked grateful.

And that's about it for the day.  The rest is just same old same old.

Thank you for your understanding of my concerns yesterday.  It's been all over the news, hasn't it - the police were ready, the troublemakers didn't turn up nearly as much as rumoured and the general public seems to be making a stand and saying, in effect, 'you don't speak for us at all - just go away and get lost'.  Although I am concerned that even peaceful protest can turn nasty, it did my heart good to see so many people standing up to be counted, so to speak.

Well, I will love you, leave you and get this posted.  I hope your day was lovely, as mine was.  See you tomorrow.  xx


  1. We had drizzle then rain so I just read a book, did a Teams meeting, had a coffee and scone and that’s the day nearly gone! Naughty me. Catriona

    1. Sounds like a brilliant way to spend a day - good for you! xx

  2. It sounds like you had a lovely start to your day with that sunny morning and your coffee chat. Your new blue jumper sounds like it’ll be a cozy winter addition, even if the pattern wasn’t perfect. It’s great that you’re already thinking about tweaks for the next one!

    I'm glad to hear the situation you were concerned about seems to have turned out better than expected. It’s encouraging when people come together to stand up for what’s right.

    I just posted a new blog post at [Melody Jacob](, and I invite you to read and let me know what you think about it. Thank you!

  3. I was very happy to read how the British people stood up and did what they could and managed to oust a great many of those nasty people....

    It sounds like you had a lovely day, and I hope you get a good nights sleep.

    God bless.

    1. It did my heart good.
      I did, thank you. I went up at eight thirty, don't remember turning out the light (but must have done) and woke around five this morning - normal for me. It feels great! xx

  4. So pleased you didn't get anything horrible happening in your area reference rioting.
    We had a really bad weather day - felt like November, but if that's all I've got to complain about......😉😀
    Alison in Wales x

    1. . . . know what you mean!
      It's windy, gloomy and feels a bit chilly here too. It's supposed to get warmer later though - fingers crossed. xx

  5. Middlesbrough thugs were out in force the other day. They certainly don't speak for the vast majority of us here. If only our Asian community would integrate. But then how many ex pat Brits never integrate in their host country.

    1. Exactly!! And, given the unfriendly nature of the welcome from some, and the lack of tolerance for their own traditions, who can blame them? And what chance had refugees had to integrate, poor souls. xx

  6. I think worry can be very tiring, even if you're not aware that you're really stressed. Let's hope the swift court cases and the anti-fascist gatherings put a stop to the civil unrest.

    1. Hopefully - but it would only be for now, I fear, human kind being what we are . . . generally, not specifically . . . xx

  7. A white lad tried to intimidate two younger Asian lads on one of our main streets the other day. Happily a car pulled up immediately they spotted what was going on, and the driver let him know in no uncertain terms that we do not stand for that sort of behaviour in our town. Hopefully things will start to settle down everywhere soon as the judges clamp down on arrested offenders in as harsh a manner as they can.

    1. Good for that driver - it's just bullying, plain and simple. Nasty and spiteful.
      Let's hope things settle. xx

  8. Looks like a lovely place to relax. Hope you get more sleep!

    1. I did, thanks, Sharon. And thank you, I did sleep better. xx
