Monday 12 August 2024

Monday evening, 12-08-24

Evening, everyone.  Oh, my goodness, it has been a scorcher around here today.  I gather it was into the 30s which is hot by anyone's standard.

I drove over to Lindsey's for circuits and it was really pleasant.  The heat hadn't really started up, it was all outside and it was great fun.  We had four young lads that came with their mums so it was a lively session.

I didn't have long back at home before my lovely friend, L, came over.  We sat out in the garden under the parasol (I am so glad I got it) and talked non stop for over two hours while it got hotter and hotter and hotter.

When she left, I checked my List Of Things To Do and decided that it was way too hot to do most of them, (and not urgent either) so I cleared the car and got the necessary things together for her annual service and MOT tomorrow, made a couple of Amazon orders (I'll tell you about them when they arrive), did a bit of housework, watered my long suffering plants , had my lunch and then did the hot weather thing - curtains closed, windows open to make the most of the breeze and fans on - before sitting down and nodding off.  😉

I joined Lindsey's online Groove class at six, thinking I would never last out but I did.  OK, so the fan was blowing on me and, yes, I got exceedingly sweaty but it was good.  And finally I joined a group chat for a Facebook group I belong to.  I've just finished that, watered the pots and done this post and it is almost bedtime.  The day seems to have passed very quickly indeed.

I believe it is supposed to be more moderate tomorrow.  I do hope so.
Stay cool, everyone, keep hydrated and I hope you have great sleep tonight.  xx


  1. I think temperatures are rising everywhere.
    It’s very hot and humid here, even around 7 am.

    1. Same time here and it's beautiful with the windows thrown open and the cooler morning air coming in. But it is going to be warm again today, says BBC Weather.
      A good excuse to chill come the afternoon. xx

  2. It was so hot here for the month of July, and while things have cooled off a tiny bit, it is still plenty warm. Stay cool and enjoy your evening and all the classes you take.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you, Jackie. I am enjoying the opportunity for extra fitness classes. Maybe Lindsey will do it every summer from now on - I gather it has been a great success and made her classes very viable over the summer holidays. I do hope so anyway! xx

  3. We didn't get the extreme heat here thankfully. Raining today!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. We could do with some, I have to say. The ground is so very dry! xx

  4. It was 32 degrees here, but forecast to be much cooler today - 24, which is much more acceptable.

    1. That's a lovely, warm, summer day, isn't it? xx

  5. We were wakened on Tuesday morning by raucous thunder followed by torrential rain. It then became a lovely afternoon if somewhat hot for me. Think I need to do some home blessing today( ie clean the bathrooms and kitchen). Catriona

    1. Know what you mean - I really ought to too but . . . xx

  6. I always find it amazing how many things I have to removed from my car ready for it's MOT. Every year I tell myself not to leave too much stuff in the boot and door pockets etc and yet there things are again on the eve of the MOT.

    1. I'm getting better in my old age but it's just too easy to use it as a dumping ground! xx

  7. It was very humid here, but not blisteringly hot - 25 deg is plenty warm enough for me! Much more pleasant today, 24 and not humid anymore, really quite nice. 2 exercise classes a day - my word Joy, you're a real gym bunny! The very thought of it wears me out hahaha! xx

    1. LOL - not the gym though, it is Lindsey's classes and she makes them such good fun and she is so adaptable and flexible.
      24 is a lovely temperature, I agree. Almost perfect. xx

  8. It's been sooooo hot today! I had to go to the hospital today for a cyst expiration and I had to sit in the very nice cool wrap top whilst waiting for an hour and a half- was quite pleasant!
    Very disappointed by the complete lack of rain- we had a tiny spit and that was it!

    1. Shame about the medical procedure but the environment sounds lovely. I hope you are OK now.
      I think we could all do with a really good downpour. xx
