Monday 5 August 2024

Monday evening, 05-08-24

Evening, everyone!

I'm really chasing my tail this evening after quite a busy and satisfying day.
It started off with Circuits, moved on to taking the car for a wash (cos I am too lazy to do it myself), through giving downstairs a good clean up, a snooze in the heat of the day, then an online Groove class (really good) and then almost straight into a lovely chat with friends from a Facebook group called Slim Win.
And meals, of course.  Always meals!

I'm dashing this off quickly and then I need to unwind or I won't get to sleep.  Thanks for all the comments on yesterday's post and the affirming comments on the post Beth wrote.  You are a lovely lot, thank you.

Right - well, time to go.  I hope you've all had a lovely day.  Sleep well.  xx


  1. Relax after your satisfying day and sleep well:-)

    1. I did, thanks, Janice. Today is a bit easier. xx

  2. Glad you've had a good day. I feel as though today was really productive so I'm feeling quite pleased.

    1. It really helps ones mental wellbeing, doesn't it, just knowing that you've done useful or productive stuff. Maybe that's why I find it so hard to just sit down - I have to be knitting or crocheting or similar as well.
      I'm glad your day was good too. xx

  3. When you're retired, although there are always lists of tasks to do , it's essential to do R and R stuff too isn't it, at the moment my 'thing' is learning a bit of basic origami, the sort that is useful or decorative e.g. Gift boxes or flowers. Great for winding down but requires some concentration too.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I agree 100%. Origami is great - I loved it as a teenager (in the olden days!), origami and paper sculpture. Very enjoyable but, yes, it's definitely a skill that needs practise. xx
