Sunday 25 August 2024

Sunday evening, 25-08-24

Evening, everyone.  It's been a nice sunny day with a breeze and now it feels quite chilly!  Looking forward to snuggling down under the quilt at bed time.

Beth came round for lunch and we had a really lovely chat about all sorts of thing - our Center Parcs holiday in November, Christmas and changing traditions, the coming week, work stuff (nothing confidential), and goodness knows what else.  It was brilliant.
I have Alex over tomorrow and I'm looking forward to that too.

I have quite a full week coming up.
Monday:  Alex round for lunch
Tuesday:  out on a coach trip to the three London museums - the V&A, the Science Museum and the Natural History Museum.  I want to focus on the V&A
Wednesday:  Circuits first thing and then Personal Training straight after.  I doubt I will want to do online Groove come the evening but we will see.
Thursday:  a more normal day - SET online and then coffee and chat with Chris, SW in the evening because I can't go Friday
Friday:  out again, this time to RHS Wisley with a cream tea in the afternoon.
Saturday - I reckon I will be flat out and chilling.  I went to Morrisons this morning to fill a few gaps in the coming week because I am not sure I will have time and/or energy later in the week.  😁💤

How's your week looking?

Hoping you've had a great day and lots of nice things planned tomorrow.  Sweet dreams, everyone.  xx


  1. Three museums in one day is a lot. One a day is my limit:-)

    1. It's a free choice but they are all pretty much along the same road, of course, so the coach drops us off there. I want to focus on the V&A but might go to the science museum as well, if there's time. xx

  2. It’s cooler and very wet here today and I have my fleece on tonight while reading the blogs.Love the roses in your header-beautiful colour! Catriona

    1. Thanks, Catriona. I don't know why it is showing so big but last time it did that it was a Blogger Blip so here's hoping it sorts itself out in time.
      The roses are gorgeous, aren't they? xx

  3. Replies
    1. It will be, but a very nice one too. I'm looking forward to it. xx

  4. Enjoy your day at the museum, they are all brilliant but massive.
    You're in for a treat at Wisley, again, big, but wonderful and the cream tea yummy! xx

    1. I'm a lucky bunny this week, aren't I? Two big treats. How lovely! xx

  5. That's a busy, busy week. Three museums in one day would be far too much for me even when I could walk further, I like to take my time and absorb what I'm seeing.

    1. I won't be doing three, of course. The coach drops us all off along the road and I'm going to focus on the V&A. As you say, it is better to focus and not to rush. xx

  6. I'm exhausted just reading your itinerary :)
    Have a lovely lunch with Alex. Xx

    1. < grin > I feel quite energised at the moment. How I will feel on Friday evening is quite a different matter, of course. xx

  7. We had a really windy day yesterday and I'm amazed we didn't suffer any damage. You've worn me out just reading your upcoming plans.

    1. It was gusty here but nothing to worry about. I'm glad everything was OK. xx

  8. Yes, distinctly chillier mornings and evenings now. We are like you in that we often have Christmas chats quite early on in the year - although the other day we decided it would be nice if all things Christmas started on the 1st December for everyone, everywhere 😉😀😍
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I like to be 'ready' for the 1st and, of course, somethings need to be done earlier - Christmas cake, Christmas pudding, etc. But this year we might not have those. We might go completely different. It's interesting. xx
