Thursday 22 August 2024

Thursday evening, 22-08-24

Evening, everyone.  Today has been a much nicer day as far as happenings are concerned although the weather hasn't been great.  Cloudy, a bit chilly (for August), some rain and some gusty winds.

However, I had a lovely chat over coffee with Chris, a very easy drive over to Braintree to see my friend, V, a delicious lunch with her and then a good nosey round a local garden centre before coming home.  
I treated myself to some snowdrop bulbs - the snowdrops took rather a battering when the walls of the beds were repaired so I am restocking.  They are a bit more fancy; double headed and they flower a bit later and for longer (says the bumph on the back).  I will get some 'ordinary' ones too and I am off to Wisley next week so will look for some there - it's nice to have things to remember a trip by.

I did look at the packs of veg seeds too but they are almost all best before end of 2024 so I will wait for the new lot to land.

A broad bean update -  I have no idea why these are so close together because I planted them singly.  I swear they walk like triffids!!
There's now eight babies which is very exciting!  Fresh broad beans in November will be so lovely!

Have you had a pleasant day too?  What did you do?

Night, all, sleep well and pleasant dreams.  xx


  1. I've seen bulbs in stores here, as well. It feels too soon to be thinking about them, but I don't want to miss out on the opportunity to get some planted. Xx

    1. I think planting is around October time, isn't it? Roughly, anyway. xx

  2. Yes, as well as Spring bulbs in the shops, I've also seen a few....'C' word things appearing. For goodness sake! xx

    1. Oh, yes! Me too. I mean, whatttt???
      I wonder if they actually sell much this early. Surely, some of the foods will be out of date by the time the Big Day arrives.
      After bonfire night is quite early enough although, to be fair, I do make the Christmas cake in October.

  3. I love snowdrops but all of ours disappeared, never to be seen again.

    1. Eaten by something, possibly? What a shame. xx

  4. Yummy on the broad beans! :)

    1. Definitely. And sixteen babies now. Woohoo. xx
