Friday 16 August 2024

Friday evening, 16-08-24

Evening, all.  So here we are, definitely in the second half of the month now.  It's pretty much dark by half past eight and often still dark when I wake.  Autumn is on the way.

After SW, I set off for Diane's and we drove in to Braintree to the Freeport designer village.  It is a retail park, things are cheaper than they would be in the shops but it's stuff like Denby, Villeroy and Bosch, Le Creuset and so on so still not what I would call cheap.  We had lunch at The Real Greek and then just wandered around, talking nineteen to the dozen and having a great time looking in the shops.

I bought two of these.  Coffee glasses.  They are blown glass, double walled so they keep the coffee warm for longer (they really do, I tried one when I got home) and the outside stays cool, of course.
Also, they are smaller than my usual mugs - I find myself letting some of my coffee go cold because it's just a bit too much so I thought this will remind me to make less.
Anyway, I really liked them and so did Diane - she bought a pair too.

To go with the glasses, I saw this collection of ground coffees in Whittard.  I do like trying different coffees so I will enjoy trying each one out and seeing if there's any that I might like to try again.

That was it - I was pretty restrained really, I think.

When I got home, Matt had been, finished the boiler service and gone again, leaving the invoice so I got online and sorted that out before chilling with a coffee to test my new coffee glass.

It's been a really nice day and I suspect I will sleep pretty soundly tonight.  So I'm just off into the garden to water things and then that's me finished for the day.
I do hope your day has been as pleasant as mine.
Take care, sleep well, stay well and sweet dreams.  xx


  1. I was sorting out the front vestibule and now it’s looking good.,we put up a new net curtain over the glass panel but it’s not really thick enough for how I wanted it to look. I then cleaned the motorhome as it hadn’t been done when we came home the last time. Did a bit of sewing and have now had to put on a hoodie as it’s cooler thankfully. Cat

    1. That sounds like a very satisfying day in terms of Getting Things Done, despite the curtain.
      It's generally a bit cooler here too which makes it all very pleasant. xx

  2. I had to go shopping today and winced when it came time to pay. The rest of the day I finished sorting the sewing/craft room, made crab apple jelly, and did a bit of knitting.
    Those glasses sound very interesting.

    God bless.

    1. I guess we all do a lot of that kind of wincing nowadays. At least mine was self-inflicted. I didn't HAVE to buy those things but I'm glad I did - the glasses are really very nice to drink out of and, of course, keep cold drinks colder too.
      Do you have crab apple trees in your garden? How lovely to make jelly. xx

  3. I have two of those double walled glasses and I use them to keep ice tea cold. Now I will try them for coffee, that is a great idea.

    1. They're lovely glasses, aren't they? So pleasant to drink from. xx

  4. Those glasses are a good idea, I don't like my coffee cold 😀
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I'm sure proper iced coffee is nice but I agree with you. Piping hot for me too! xx

  5. It's nice to buy different blends. I don't drink coffee but enjoy buying it for others.

    1. It's expensive in itself, I think, but not as costly as buying a whole bag and then finding you're not so keen on the blend. I love coffee. xx

  6. I do like the look of those coffee glasses. With a cupboard shelf full of mismatched mugs (only one of which I like drinking out of) I might see about getting something similar myself. Xx

    1. They're really nice to drink out of. xx
