Saturday 17 August 2024

Saturday evening, 17-08-24

Evening, all.
It's been quite a tired day today and I have been taking things quite easy.  I did the online SET class this morning and I was going on a walk with friends but I tweaked my knee in the Energise section (flippin' forward lunges) so cried off and rested it instead.  That was the right thing to do as it feels fine again now but I missed the walk.
I did one load of washing, some whites and lights, because the tea towel and dish cloth basket was getting a bit smelly, and got it all ironed and sorted out  and then pretty much rested the rest of the day.  I'm feeling pretty tired now so I hope I will sleep well.

You sleep well too, everyone, and have a lovely Sunday.  xx


  1. Hope you have a good restful sleep and that your knee benefits from the rest. Catriona

    1. I did, thanks, despite my tooth playing up a bit (there's always something, isn't there?). I feel really refreshed this morning and the knee is fine
      The same back to you. xx

  2. Sorry to hear about the tooth, but pleased for you that your knee is better. More rest today, perhaps.

    1. It's really just a niggle so fingers crossed it stays just that until my appt in September . . . and the knee is absolutely fine, thanks.
      Hoping you are well too. xx
