Thursday 1 August 2024

Thursday evening, 01-08-24

 .  Evening, all.  Have you had a great start to August, one of the the Caesar months - they must have been a right old bigheads to name months after themselves, don't you think?

Anyway - it was just a usual Thursday.  SET, coffee with Chris and then I did a weekly shop.  I'd been holding off from a food shop for days and days, just giving in once to get some apples because I can't run out of apples.

I made a sort of round trip of it, popping off the the filling station first to put in my monthly ration of petrol.  It's supposed to be up to a certain cost but actually it came to a bit less, which was great.  I'm not totally inflexible, I can get more if needed, but it's a useful starting point and, unless I'm making a journey, it is more than enough for the month.  I have to blinker myself when I go and pay - all those sweets and chocolates - oh, dear!

Having managed to ignore that hazzard, on I went to the Clock Tower precinct and M&S/Aldi.  Fruit and veg from the former plus a few other bits, and everything else from the latter.  I actually didn't really need much more than fresh stuff and dairy; the freezer is well stocked with meat, etc, at the moment.
So why did it cost so much?  

A couple of garden photos.  This dahlia is totally the wrong colour in that bed of pinks, whies, blues and lilacs but it's such a cheerful flower I will let it be for now.

You will see from the new header that the runner beans are starting to get their act together.  A number of bees have been buzzing lazily around the flowers for much of the afternoon so that's good.

And they do look so very pretty growing up against the fence and escaping over the top.
Not from my garden.
Chris has some beautiful frilly headed poppies and she gave me three of the seed pods.  I do love poppy seed pods, don't you - they are so decorative.
The seeds just shook straight out of them like pepper from a pot and I have gathered them in a container for now.  I want to sow them in a tub but I must look and see if I have to do anything in particular - unless any of you lovely people know, of course.

Anyway, by the time the shopping was all sorted and away, it was lunch time which I usually have at 2:00.  The afternoon was so hot, I did the same as yesterday and hunkered down indoors, windows open, curtains closed and fans on.  Worked a treat and now it has cooled down nicely, I have watered the plants and tucked them up for the night (. . . and if you believe that . . . ), the kitchen is clean and tidy and it is time to get this posted and chill for the rest of the evening.  I'm thankful that it seems to be cool enough for a comfortable sleep and hope it's the same your way too.
Pleasant dreams, one and all.  xx


  1. It is best to just scatter poppy seeds on the surface of the soil where you want them as they require light to germinate. You will only need a fraction of what you have got or you will be inundated with them.

    1. Thanks very much for this. Maybe it is just a case of trying and seeing. It's not as if I don't know where to get more next year, if needed. :-)

  2. How lucky to be given the poppy seed heads-I love them too! I went to a friends for coffee and a chat which was lovely. Hoping for a cooler night as my sleep has been terrible recently. Catriona

    1. How lovely; I'm glad you had a good time.
      It's hard to sleep well in the heat. I've given up trying and am down and doing. I get to that wakefulness point where lots of things I could be doing crowd into my head, do you?
      I'll catch up later.

  3. I love poppies and you were so lucky to get those seed heads. Other than getting out in the morning to clip herbs, and water plants I have been staying in. It has been much too warm here these past weeks, and there does not look to be any relief in sight next week.

    God bless.

    1. I'd be happy to send you some but it's illegal and quite right too, I guess.
      I'm sorry it looks as if your heat won't be going anywhere soon. Very limiting but I expect the plants will be happy assuming they like the sun. xx

  4. Poppies are so appealing aren't they, I like the way when the seed heads are dry you can shake them gently and hear them rattle. The sweets and chocs at the petrol station checkout - yes, such a temptation 😀
    Alison in Wales x

    1. They have character, don't they?
      As for those temptations - I just try not to look at them. :-) xx

  5. Poppy seed heads are so attractive.

    1. They are. They're different somehow. And so many of those tiny little seeds. xx
