Saturday 31 August 2024

Saturday evening, 31-08-24

Good evening, everyone.
The Wisley post will be up tomorrow.  There are so many photos and I haven't gone through them all yet.

It has felt like Friday today because I went to a morning SW group - not Jen's, that was yesterday and I couldn't go - so that's most likely why it has felt Fridayish.  It was a good group, nice people, but it wasn't OUR group.  I'm sure you know what I mean.  However, I lost another pound so that's good AND I won the raffle!  When I messaged Jen to let her know, she replied . . .
"Oh Joy that's so funny! Everyone yesterday said they were in with a chance to win this week because you weren't there! Wait till I tell them you won in the group you visited!! "
I do seem to have won fairly often recently.

It was cold today, I thought. When I got home I changed into leggings and put a knitted jumper over my T shirt, the jumper I made recently using the fisherman's rib stitch. It's lovely and cosy and will be so comfy with one of my my warm polo neck thermal things underneath when it is proper cold.

That's about it really. I did a bit of photo editing, quite a lot of knitting, some meal planning - the usual Saturday stuff. I'm taking it nice and easy this weekend after a busy week.

Ho has your day been? And have you felt cold too? Maybe the fine weather has broken which would be a shame but there's nothing we can do about it, is there?

Have a lovely evening, everyone, and sleep well. xx

Thursday 29 August 2024

My visit to the V&A

 The Victoria and Albert in South Kensington, London, originated in the Great Exhibition of 1851, pioneered by Prince Albert, the husband of Queen Victoria.

The Great exhibition was the world's first international trade fair and was intended to showcase Britain's achievements in manufacturing.  However, the design of British goods did not shine in comparison with the products from other countries and colonies, particularly from Asia - something that didn't go down all that well, as you can imagine.

So government funds were allocated to purchase examples of good design from the rest of the world and eventually a permanent, designated building was allocated in Brompton, soon called South Kensington to reflect the prestige of nearby Kensington Palace.

That's a bit of history.

I was delighted to find that Jan and Ray had seated me next to Pam, the lady I got friendly with on the trip to Battersea Power Station so we spent a long time catching up on life through the journey there.

We were very lucky with the weather.  It was sunny and not too hot which made the drive very pleasant despite the heavy traffic and stop-start-ness once we hit London.  There were a number of children on the coach - it's still the summer holidays, of course.  They were extremely well behaved.

The coach dropped us on Exhibition Road, right outside the three museums.  I'd already decided that I was going to focus on the V&A; most of the children(and their adults) headed off towards the Science Museum!

This was on the corner of Exhibition Road and the Cromwell Road.  Last time I was here, it was a sunken skating rink so I was a bit surprised but it was a very pleasant space to just sit and get my bearings.  

That, by the way, is not an authentic dinosaur skeleton, of course, but the passing children loved it.
You could get into the Natural History museum from this little green space and, I think, also to the V&A under the road but I went back up to the road because I wanted to see the buildings.

The very impressive entrance on Cromwell Road.  It was one of the last parts of the building to be completed as from the 1850s the parts of the whole thing were built as funding became available so it was all a bit piecemeal.  
A competition was launched to create an appropriately impressive entrance and it was finally built between 1911 and 1915.

Once in, the whole thing is very, very impressive. There's a soaring, marble entrance hall with a most amazing glass sculpture hanging from the domed roof and the six floors of galleries all pivot off the entrance hall.
It's really huge and there's no way one could cover even a quarter of what's there properly in the time I had.

So I bought myself a guide book and found my way to the John Madejski Garden, a very attractive courtyard in the centre, grabbed myself a coffee and sat down to browse the book, the idea being to decide which galleries I wanted to 'do'.

The Garden has a delightful, shallow paddling pool, quite a big one, and children were having a wonderful time in it.  Knowledgeable parent had brought swimwear and towels for their children.  The others hovered anxiously at the side calling 'Don't get too wet . . . ' etc.

So I decided to visit the Medieval and Renaissance, the Raphael cartoons, the Jewellery, the Contemporary Glass and the Architecture Galleries.  Random decisions based on what caught my eye really.  

Apologies for some of the photos - the lighting was very variable and I am no photographer.

A plaster plaque

In the flesh I thought this was lovely but, from the angle I caught, she does look a touch sneery and 'toffee nosed', doesn't she?  
I loved the smooth lines and simplicity.
A very posh pulpit with steps on both sides which looks pretty precarious.  Maybe there was a rope on the outside then.
The detail on this was absolutely stunning and I spent ages just looking and taking in all the details.
This poor lady died in childbirth at just 21.  
Plaster pillars from the Cast Court Gallery, a reproduction or 'cast' of national monuments and notable sculptures.  
They were very impressive and so nice to know that there was no looting of treasures from other countries, not in this Gallery anyway!
Closer up . . .
And in detail.

These casts enabled students and scholars to study these treasures in great detail.
This is Sir Paul Pindar's house, an outstanding survivor of a timber-built house built before the Great Fire of 1666 in around 1599
How about this for a front door, eh!
A baby's lace cap . . .
. . . and swaddling bands.  The outer bands, judging by the quality of the lace.
I took in a few tapestries going from one gallery to another.  This is just a close up to see the detail.
Rather beautiful floor tiles - on the floor, covered in glass, so one could walk over them.
A view of the Medieval and Renaissance Gallery.

The Glass and Contemporary Glass Galleries were lovely but there was so much reflection, the photos didn't come out all that well.  I rather loved this head, intended to be viewed on all sides.

There was a staircase leading to a sort of mezzanine and the bannisters were glass and absolutely stunning . . .

. . . an went on along the mezzanine.  Not part of the exhibition really, just lovely!
And, finally, in the Raphael cartoon gallery.  It isn't one of the cartoons - they are a set of seven full scale designs for tapestries painted by Raphael, commissioned by the Pope in 1515.  They portray the lives of St Peter and St Paul and are considered among the greatest treasures in the museum.
They belongs to the Royal Collection and have been on loan since 1865.
I wonder if Charles will ever want them back again!!

This was at one end and was the only thing I got a half decent photo of because of the protective low lighting.  It is the Altarpiece of St George and portrays the life of St George.  It dates from the first quarter of the fifteenth century which I find totally awesome.

The journey home was very slow.  Maybe the driver knew something as he took us a very long way round and we were about half an hour late but I'm not complaining - it is such a privilege to be able to sit in comfort and let someone else do all the hard work.  I'm not saying I actually fell asleep on the way home, but . . .  well, maybe.  And Pam certainly did.

I want to go back.  It's a trip that is repeated every year, I gather, and is always a sell out.  There's one in the October half term and that is already fully booked, so I will have to keep my eyes open for 2025.  There's a lot more I want to see in the V&A and I didn't even touch the Science Museum or the Natural History Museum.

Basically, it was brilliant.
And yes, I got a couple of fridge magnets to add to my collection.

I probably won't post tomorrow evening after my day at RHS, Wisley but will be back with another photo heavy offering on Saturday evening.

Wednesday 28 August 2024

Wednesday evening, 28-08-24

Hello, everyone, and a very good evening to you all.  Today started off a bit chilly, then the sun came out and this afternoon was an absolute scorcher.  It's cooled off again now so it shouldn't' be uncomfortable overnight, thankfully.  Has it been hot your way?

I trotted off to Lindsey's for circuits first thing and it was so good.  There were - er - I think eight adults and six youngsters of varying ages and it was great fun.  That's it now for a couple of weeks and then the Autumn block starts.

I stayed for personal training and it was fine, not too much at all.  Again, most enjoyable and  no more for two weeks.  Lindsey is off on holiday with her family on Sunday and I hope she has a wonderful time.  There's a SET tomorrow which I am doing and one on Saturday morning which I am not sure about and that's the end of the summer block for us all.

Back at home, I had a go at another focaccia, using wholemeal spelt this time.  I also added chopped olives and sundried tomatoes and mmmmmm.  I had one piece (you have to, don't you?) and the rest is wrapped and frozen now.

Apart from the above, it has been a gentle day.  I ought to have done a load of darks but didn't so that's top of the list tomorrow.
This evening I'm going to browse through the Jamie Oliver book that arrived yesterday in hopes of finding some really delicious Mediterranean recipes to try.  It looks really good so fingers crossed.
What are you doing?

Nighty night, everyone.  Sleep well and stay cool.  xx

Edit:  eeek, I have just realised I said I'd write about the V&A and I haven't.  Tomorrow, folks, I'll get it up tomorrow . . .  

Tuesday 27 August 2024

Tuesday evening, 27-08-24

 Evening, everyone.

As I have been out all day, I thought I would do a bit of a garden update this evening.  I'll post about the trip tomorrow.

First, the edibles . . .

Lovely, aren't they?  As of yesterday, three hadn't come up so I have popped another seed in those places.  If two emerge together, not a problem.  I'm feeling quite excited about broad beans in October/November/ maybe December.
The second planting of dwarf beans are looking very hopeful.  Lots of flowers and the insects seem interested.
On the other hand, while the Autumn fruiting raspberries have flowered and fruit is forming, it's really a very feeble effort and I have ordered replacement plants for when these are over.  They are pretty old now, to be fair.
The runners have been great.  No glut but plenty to keep me going and they have been delicious.
Some of the tomatoes have been really poor this year but some, including this one and the sungolds, have been great.
I'm picking every day at the moment.  Nice.

And the other stuff:

The new dahlias are just lovely - great for picking too.
This doesn't really show the size - it's about 12cms across.
I'm more responsible about dead-heading this year and it's paying back in dividends.
And general views:

The flower bed
The herb and leaf bed.
And the Blankety Bed.

And a general view to finish off with.

Sleep tight, everyone.  Back properly tomorrow.  xx

Monday 26 August 2024

Monday evening, 26-08-24

Evening, everyone.  Just a quick one as I'm joining an online chat at seven.
It's been a very pleasant and very gentle Bank Holiday Monday.  
I managed to get two loads of washing done, dried in the sunshine and ironed so the basket is empty again.
Alex came round, we chatted, shared lunch together and then I took him home again.

And that's about that really.  Just a quiet day.  

I'm off to London first thing tomorrow but there will be a blog in the evening.  Not about London though, I'll do that Wednesday.

Enjoy the rest of your evening, everyone, and see you tomorrow evening.  xx

Sunday 25 August 2024

Sunday evening, 25-08-24

Evening, everyone.  It's been a nice sunny day with a breeze and now it feels quite chilly!  Looking forward to snuggling down under the quilt at bed time.

Beth came round for lunch and we had a really lovely chat about all sorts of thing - our Center Parcs holiday in November, Christmas and changing traditions, the coming week, work stuff (nothing confidential), and goodness knows what else.  It was brilliant.
I have Alex over tomorrow and I'm looking forward to that too.

I have quite a full week coming up.
Monday:  Alex round for lunch
Tuesday:  out on a coach trip to the three London museums - the V&A, the Science Museum and the Natural History Museum.  I want to focus on the V&A
Wednesday:  Circuits first thing and then Personal Training straight after.  I doubt I will want to do online Groove come the evening but we will see.
Thursday:  a more normal day - SET online and then coffee and chat with Chris, SW in the evening because I can't go Friday
Friday:  out again, this time to RHS Wisley with a cream tea in the afternoon.
Saturday - I reckon I will be flat out and chilling.  I went to Morrisons this morning to fill a few gaps in the coming week because I am not sure I will have time and/or energy later in the week.  😁💤

How's your week looking?

Hoping you've had a great day and lots of nice things planned tomorrow.  Sweet dreams, everyone.  xx

Saturday 24 August 2024

Saturday evening, 24-08-24

Evening, everyone!  I'm back on track again now but why do I keep thinking today is Sunday.  Wishing my life away, that's what!

I decided that today would be a really nice, easy day.  The weather helped - it really wasn't the sort of day to go out, work in the garden, and so on.

It took me quite a while to properly sort out yesterday's leftovers but now it is all either in the freezer or on the planning to be used up, so that's good.

I rather cheated with the focaccia - I think Anna would consider it a cheat anyway - and found a wholewheat focaccia recipe on Cookidoo that linked straight to Thermione, halved it and it worked really well, I thought.

This 'slab' cut into eight single portions, not large but large enough for me (plus a tiny slice to taste - very satisfactory) and it's now all wrapped up and in the freezer.

I kept the topping simple first time with just some rosemary and some Maldon salt but next time I might try sundried tomatoes (plus the oil in the dough) or some black olives.  I'll see how I feel.

I investigated the Mediterranean diet, found a series of very useful (and sensible/down to earth) videos on YouTube and then looked on Amazon for books.  There are loads but a lot of them didn't say whether they used metric or US measures and, to be honest, I can't cope with cups and packed and sticks (not that butter is going to feature much!) ands there wasn't anywhere to ask a question so that's a lost sale.  Then I spotted that our Jamie has brought out a five ingredient Mediterranean book .  Oddly, the Kindle version was nearly £13 while the hardback was £4 - it's usually the other way round.  Guess which I went for . . . it's arriving on Tuesday.
So that is my reward for getting back into Happy Zone.  

It's surprising how long these potter-ing things take.  By the time I had done the above, watched some videos, planned my week's meals and worked on my knitting, it was well on in the afternoon.  Definitely a gentle, chillax sort of day!

Happy evening, everyone.  Sleep well and fingers crossed for nicer weather tomorrow.  xx

Saturday morning, 24-08-24

Morning, everyone (I haven't said that for a while, have I?) and welcome to a rather wet and cool Saturday morning.  For once, the garden beds have received a good old soaking and there's a forecast of 'heavy rain' for most of the day.  Just as well I have a day of chilling at home planned.

Yesterday was a right mix!

I went off to Slimming World group as usual.  It was really very quiet with a lot of the usual folk away on holiday.  To balance that a bit, we got some people from today's group who are, presumably, going on holiday today.
I was so happy to lose one and a half pounds to get me back into my happy zone (my SW target range which means I don't have to pay at group).
I promised myself a recipe book I have been after for a while when I got back into happy zone so I'm off to Amazin later on today!

Then I drove over to my appointment at the GP surgery for my meds review.  They were very pleased with my blood pressure readings (which is what I take meds for) but I was a bit floored by the news that my cholesterol levels give concern, being right at the top of what they should be and, breaking that down, my 'bad' cholesterol is too high.  Bother, bother, bother.
I REALLY don't want to start statins so we agreed that I have six months to tweak diet and lifestyle and they will call be back for another blood test, etc, then.  I know it is my choice anyway . . .
The trouble is, as we both agreed, my lifestyle is pretty good already, as is my diet.  I'm going to investigate the Mediterranean diet way of eating which will just involve some tweaking really, introducing more healthy oils, nuts and seeds which are pretty low at present, I admit - I've been on SW after all!
It should mesh in with SW principles with a bit of thought.
Anyway - enough of that; I'll rabbit on about it in the other blog.

I drove home again and the rest of the afternoon was spend sorting out downstairs and getting things prepped for dinner.  Dave and Anna arrived and, bless them, instead of the usual wine they bring, because I had said 'none for me, thanks', they bought alcohol free wine instead. 
The sparkly one was quite nice - Lagioiosa et Amorosa (looking at the label to get it right), I wouldn't get the rose again and the white is still sitting in the fridge.   I've already tried Nosecco and quite like that too

Anna is really in to making focaccia so we had a good natter about that and I want to have a go at it today.  She said it is very easy.  We will see!

The other thing for today is to do some Googling and get some info together before doing the weekly meal plan for the coming week.  Should be fun.

Have a great day everyone, and stay dry!  xx

Friday 23 August 2024

Friday evening, 23-08-24

I forgot to say yesterday - as I have Dave and Anna round this evening,m I will post tomorrow morning instead of this evening.

Hope you've all had a great day.  xx

Thursday 22 August 2024

Thursday evening, 22-08-24

Evening, everyone.  Today has been a much nicer day as far as happenings are concerned although the weather hasn't been great.  Cloudy, a bit chilly (for August), some rain and some gusty winds.

However, I had a lovely chat over coffee with Chris, a very easy drive over to Braintree to see my friend, V, a delicious lunch with her and then a good nosey round a local garden centre before coming home.  
I treated myself to some snowdrop bulbs - the snowdrops took rather a battering when the walls of the beds were repaired so I am restocking.  They are a bit more fancy; double headed and they flower a bit later and for longer (says the bumph on the back).  I will get some 'ordinary' ones too and I am off to Wisley next week so will look for some there - it's nice to have things to remember a trip by.

I did look at the packs of veg seeds too but they are almost all best before end of 2024 so I will wait for the new lot to land.

A broad bean update -  I have no idea why these are so close together because I planted them singly.  I swear they walk like triffids!!
There's now eight babies which is very exciting!  Fresh broad beans in November will be so lovely!

Have you had a pleasant day too?  What did you do?

Night, all, sleep well and pleasant dreams.  xx

Wednesday 21 August 2024

Wednesday evening, 21-08-24

Evening, one and all.
Today has been . . . er - let's say frustrating!

It started off well enough and can we just admire these lovely roses that A bought for me yesterday when she came round.

Aren't they lovely?

Anyway - a good start after a great night's sleep and I even got one load of washing done and out o the line and another load in before leaving to take the car to the garage.

Once there, I reminded them again that I would need to leave by 11:45 and sat down with my Kindle and one of their quite nice coffees.
Time passed.
At half past eleven a very apologetic young man came over to say they hadn't started the work yet.  I said I needed to leave in fifteen minutes so I'd better take the car and rebook.
He said could I bring it back later.
I said yes, I could have it back just after one.
He said it was their lunch break then.  
I was getting more and more into stern teacher mode by now but I agreed to bring it back at two.  I had planned to do a food shop then but . . . well, needs must, eh?
(Actually, that worked well because I did my personal training at Lindsey's, then went home, got the first load of washing in, put the second load out and had my lunch).
So, back at two and I waited for another hour and a bit with another admittedly excellent coffee before he came back and I swear he was almost trembling, poor chap.
The part that they had ordered was faulty!!
Isn't it lucky that it's not an actual necessity for a safe car?

They're getting another part and when that has arrived they will contact me to set another date. 
But honestly - what a waste of a day in a week that has already had too many things falling like dominoes.

But I did the shopping, came home, sorted it all out properly, got in the washing, had dinner, tidied the kitchen, did all the ironing and . . . I think I'm back on schedule again.
And I am shattered - it's not that I've done more than I planned anyway, it's just been so very frustrating.

Another good night - let's hope so.  Aaaaaand breathe!

Hoping your day has slotted into place a lot better than mine.  xx

Tuesday 20 August 2024

Tuesday evening, 20-08-24

Hi, everyone, and first of all thank you so much for all your kind comments.  While I know there's a troublesome tooth, it's not painful now, I can just sort of 'feel' it when I'm not doing anything else.  So all good.

I didn't have the best sleep, not because of any pain but because of troublesome dreams.  I bet you know the kind.  Like when you find yourself in an exam room and you've studied the wrong syllabus or, as mine last night, I was taking a class and had no idea what to teach them.  Another 'favourite' one is standing in front of a class who simply will NOT do as they are told and the head's on their way to observe the lesson.
Oh, the trials of a teacher, eh?

Anyway, I messaged Chris and instead of walking to Groove, I drove us as I was feeling rather washed out.  It was good although I can't say I put my usual energy into it.

Later on, A came round for lunch.  A was my cover teacher when I had my SENCo time and we played together in the church band for a while.  She's a very lovely lady and I had a splendid afternoon.  I hope she did too.   She laughed at my sign - she's a music specialist and knows the song very well.

A terrible photo, sorry, but I just couldn't get it any clearer.  The blankety bed is no longer blankety.  I spotted this tiny baby bean shoot this afternoon and by this evening, when I went out to water, four more had popped up to join it.  So that's the current bit of garden excitement, isn't it?

Tomorrow, I take the car in first thing to get the last bit of work done.  Then I'm off to :Lindsey's for personal training at around twelve and once that is over the day's my own.  Nice.  For now, I just need to tidy up the kitchen and then I can chill as I hope you will be able to do too.

Night, everyone, have a great tomorrow and see you later.  xx

Monday 19 August 2024

Monday evening, 19-08-24

Good evening, everyone.

Well, what was it Robbie Burns wrote about best laid plans?  

The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men
          Gang aft agley,
An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain,
          For promis’d joy!

Yup!!! After a disturbed night with toothache, I bit the bullet, cancelled circuits and grovelled at the dental surgery. Actually, I didn't have to grovel, they were very kind and understanding and by nine thirty I was out with a very numb jaw, having had one temporary filling taken out, the tooth cavity cleaned again, new medication added in and another temporary filling on top. The dentist, Maddie, said that should work for the two weeks before my proper appointment to have the root canal work and a crown. Hope so - because it cost an arm and a leg but no complaints, I am yet again thankful for short term savings.

I was feeling very wobbly and woozy so cancelled Alex coming over for lunch and we've rescheduled for next Monday.  He was very understanding too.

I will be very glad when this flippin' tooth is done and dusted.  It's been a right nuisance.

And one of the imponderable of life - how can a totally numbed jaw itch so much?  😕

I have taken the rest of the day very easy. I had a few sleeps and generally warmed up (I felt shivery most of the morning - just reaction, I guess) and, by early evening, felt fine again so I did part of the online Groove class which really helped.

Fingers crossed tomorrow goes rather more smoothly and as planned.  For now, I am hoping for an unbroken night's sleep.  Sleep well, everyone.  xx

Sunday 18 August 2024

Sunday evening, 18-08-24

Hi, everyone!  Have you had a good Sunday?  It's been a pleasant day here today - sunny intervals and not hot; in fact, I put a cardigan on earlier and it's still on now - I haven't needed to wear a cardigan for a few weeks now.
I saw somewhere that tomorrow was supposed to be baking hot but not round here according BBC weather.  We will see, won't we?

Anyway, today has been gentle.

I did just a bit of garden clearing and deadheading and, now I have several dahlias that are flowering nicely, I have started cutting some for inside and don't they look pretty!

I also dusted and swept in the garden room (it never needs much) and made a final decision about cushions - yes, I am - was - still dithering about that.
I have decided I am going to be seasonal with cushions.   know that means more cushions but I only need two at a time.  I already have Christmas ones and the green ones that are currently there that Mum made can do for spring.  Autumn stuff is now hitting the shops and I saw (on YouTube) that there's some really nice Autumn themed cushions out there this year so next month I will treat myself - or the garden room - and then it's all sorted until after Christmas.

Apart from Christmas, obviously, I don't do much theming in the house so that should work really nicely amd be sort of satisfying without too much hassle or disruption.

This coming week is another busy one.

Monday:  circuits, Alex over for lunch, online Groove and then a live online chat
Tuesday:  Groove and the walk to the hall and back with Chris, then a friend is over for lunch
Wednesday:  skipping circuits because I'm taking the car in for that final bit of servicing, then on to personal training, possibly online Groove in the evening (I am not sure about that yet)
Thursday:  deferring online SET class (Lindsey records it and posts it on YouTube for use later), coffee and chat with Chris and then over to a friend's for lunch and a good old natter
Friday:  Slimming World, on to the GP for my f2f medical review, Dave and Anna round for dinner in the evening (so cooking beforehand)
Saturday:  online SET and then some sort of catch-up with Beth.
And by then I am, hoping that the blankety bed won't be so blankety!

So I did the weekly downstairs housework today again.  I'm very glad that today has been pretty gentle.

It's not quite evening really but I'm going to get this posted and then make my evening meal.   Have a great evening, everyone, and take care.  xx

Saturday 17 August 2024

Saturday evening, 17-08-24

Evening, all.
It's been quite a tired day today and I have been taking things quite easy.  I did the online SET class this morning and I was going on a walk with friends but I tweaked my knee in the Energise section (flippin' forward lunges) so cried off and rested it instead.  That was the right thing to do as it feels fine again now but I missed the walk.
I did one load of washing, some whites and lights, because the tea towel and dish cloth basket was getting a bit smelly, and got it all ironed and sorted out  and then pretty much rested the rest of the day.  I'm feeling pretty tired now so I hope I will sleep well.

You sleep well too, everyone, and have a lovely Sunday.  xx

Friday 16 August 2024

Friday evening, 16-08-24

Evening, all.  So here we are, definitely in the second half of the month now.  It's pretty much dark by half past eight and often still dark when I wake.  Autumn is on the way.

After SW, I set off for Diane's and we drove in to Braintree to the Freeport designer village.  It is a retail park, things are cheaper than they would be in the shops but it's stuff like Denby, Villeroy and Bosch, Le Creuset and so on so still not what I would call cheap.  We had lunch at The Real Greek and then just wandered around, talking nineteen to the dozen and having a great time looking in the shops.

I bought two of these.  Coffee glasses.  They are blown glass, double walled so they keep the coffee warm for longer (they really do, I tried one when I got home) and the outside stays cool, of course.
Also, they are smaller than my usual mugs - I find myself letting some of my coffee go cold because it's just a bit too much so I thought this will remind me to make less.
Anyway, I really liked them and so did Diane - she bought a pair too.

To go with the glasses, I saw this collection of ground coffees in Whittard.  I do like trying different coffees so I will enjoy trying each one out and seeing if there's any that I might like to try again.

That was it - I was pretty restrained really, I think.

When I got home, Matt had been, finished the boiler service and gone again, leaving the invoice so I got online and sorted that out before chilling with a coffee to test my new coffee glass.

It's been a really nice day and I suspect I will sleep pretty soundly tonight.  So I'm just off into the garden to water things and then that's me finished for the day.
I do hope your day has been as pleasant as mine.
Take care, sleep well, stay well and sweet dreams.  xx

Thursday 15 August 2024

Thursday evening, 15-08-24: the collapsible microwave popcorn popper

 Congratulations, Eileen - you got what it is!

The original photo - you collapse it to save on storage and the lid just sits inside it.
Un-collapse it.
Weigh in your kernels - I find 20g is a nice amount for a snack for me but, according to the instructions, you can add up to a quarter cup (50g) and I suspect you could make more than that; it's quite a big bowl..

You can also add butter, salt, etc before popping.  I didn't.

Put the lid on - it sits on a ledge half way down.
Bung it in the microwave and start popping it.  The instructions don't say how long or what setting.  I did it on 600 and it took about 45 seconds before the pops were less than three seconds apart.

This is what I got on first popping
What was left.
After second popping there were just 3 kernels left.  I chucked them!
A really nice snack.

I've tried it sprinkled with salt and also sprinkled with Sugarly and both times it was really nice.  I do like it plain too.

Sixty-ish calories or three syns

Needless to say, this is in no way a sponsored post - I don't do that.

This is the link to what I got, just in case you are interested.

I think I need to have a movie evening now.  😉