Thursday 2 November 2023

Thursday, 02-11-23

Good morning, everyone.  Happy Thursday to you.  I've been wide awake since about half past two which is a record, even for me.  I did try to get back to sleep but no, I ended up reading and then getting up.
It wasn't the wind - we haven't had any as far as I can tell, although it looks like there's been some heavy rain.  The BBC says the higher winds should arrive around ten this morning but nothing above about 45 mph, which should be less in our slightly sheltered little patch of Essex.   We will see and at least it is day time - it doesn't seem so bad in daylight when you can see what's happening, does it?  And Seth's team will be there.  :-)

I know it's been bad in certain parts.  If you're being affected, I do hope all is well, there's been no bad damage and everyone is OK.

The garden room is looking more like a room now.  

The main part - see how much wall is on the left - well, imagine the same amount right of the gap and that's the non-shed part.  Now imagine bifold doors, light green cladding and white, shaker style, very simple, floor to ceiling cupboards along the back.   That's the garden room!
Currently, I am looking at bamboo type chairs to go inside but am making no quick decisions.  
And here's looking through to the shed part, side door, freezer across the back.
That is going to be a really useful space.

It's still looking huge, it still dominates, but I think when the cladding is on it should 'soften' and, longer term, plants, plants, plants to break it all up.

I'm starting to feel much better about the wisdom of it all now.

There isn't any plumbing out to it but, should a future owner wish, it could be plumbed in some way and would make a useful overnight stay place.
Actually, even without plumbing - after all, it's not that far to the house - providing it is not too cold, wet, windy . . . OK, maybe not!
And I'm not planning on a bed out there anyway, not even a fold up one.

Diane turned up, we discussed, we chatted, we looked online, Diane phoned and now a whole load more things have been clarified.  And there was a whole lot of laughter too.

We now have details about the journey to Southampton including times.  There is a laundry self-service (which costs, but we expected that), there are four posh evenings (or 'formal nights'), there is WiFi which is a bit slow, eye wateringly expensive and vulnerable to weather conditions but I'd like to be in contact so will probably go for it.  So you should get updates and photos.

Suze, if you're reading and if you've found those ski trousers, yes please and thank you so much.  I'll be sending you an email sometime today.  😀

At personal training, Lindsey said if I needed suitcases, she could lend me hers.  They're very lightweight and, as I was planning to get one or two, I accepted gratefully.  So kind.

On to today and I am very happy to be staying in all day.  There's an online SET class with Lindsey and Co. followed by coffee and chat with Chris.  I can't see me staying awake through the afternoon so may very well disappear upstairs between biscuits and hot drinks out to the lads and be 100% comfortable.  Unless the house blows down or something!

Better stop and get ready for the day - I'm not being surprised by early workmen again!   Take, care, stay warm, dry and safe and I hope this storm isn't any kind of problem for you.  xx


  1. Ouch! 2.30 is early. It was 4.30 for me, I'm already on my second cup of coffee :)
    The garden room is really taking shape now. I bet you're excited to see it completed.
    I hope you avoid the worst of the storm. Stay safe. X

    1. Way too early for me too. A right pain but no point stressing. If you can't sleep, you can't sleep.
      Yes, I am feeling little bubbles of excitement now as my brain adjusts to it being there. xx

  2. 2.30 is way too early! Hope you get that nap later.
    (Flooding down the road from me is even worse than last Friday week but no strong winds yet)

    1. It really is. Bleugh!! ;-)
      I'm sorry about the flooding and hope you're not affected. Still very calm here - maybe it is imagination but it feels ominous. Very gloomy too.

  3. We managed to miss the rain when we went out yesterday and glad to do so because ijn the afternoon, there were hailstones. Summer house is growing!

    1. Hailstones? Oh, goodness. Not nice. I'm glad you missed the rain though. xx

  4. All these storms! I'm having a nice day inside baking, very gusty here in west Wales x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I would say gusty describes round here too. Nothing terrible, thankfully. A baking day sounds perfect for banishing the weather blues. xx

  5. Your holiday plans are coming along nicely as is the garden room. Very gloomy here, some rain, some wind, nothing terrible. I feel so sorry for those whose lives have been so starkly affected. x x x

    1. So do I - quite apart from the material damage, it must have been such a frightening experience. xx

  6. I hope that the wind wasn't too bad and that you managed to get a bit of rest.

    God bless.

    1. We were lucky round here, thankfully. There may have been a bit of local damage and it's dark so I haven't looked out yet, but I think everything is OK, for me at least.
      I've slept really well, thank you. xx

  7. I hope your weather wasn't too bad! The room is really coming along.

    1. Thanks, Sharon. We were very lucky round here - some places have seen a lot of wind damage and flooding. xx

  8. I think I may have cured my insomnia by drinking a herbal tea before bed. Its a Pukka one called ' night time berry' and was recommended to me by a friend. I tend to wake up once through the night but go straight back to sleep. Morriston sell it.

    1. Ah, that's interesting, thank you. I have put it on the shopping list.
