Saturday 25 November 2023

Saturday, 25-11-23: Christmas Tree Day

Morning, everyone.  It's a bit cold outside.  The chilly wind of yesterday has died down and we have a frost this morning.  Brrrrr.  Inside, the heating is doing its thing and I have my nice furry slipper boots and fleecy dressing gown on, feeling cosy and snuggly as I enjoy the first coffee of the day.

Apologies for the photo quality - by the time the team has tidied up and left, it's pretty much dark.  However, you can see what they've done; this is the right hand bed which is finished.  The other two have the lighter bricks on but not the top row.  I really like how it looks (it looks a lot better in daylight) and it is so much more substantial.  I can't see that falling down for a decade or so and, if I wanted, I could have little pots on the wall as well as beside.  I'm not planning to, but I could.
They also started painting the inside of the garden room so I guess Monday will consist of finishing the walls, finishing the electrics (they checked with me again exactly what I want in the way of sockets yesterday) finishing the painting and, perhaps, getting in the flooring.  And after that, the storage cupboards and a final tidy up of the garden.

Looking ahead, this next week is a busy one.
Monday is as usual - circuits and I may go into town.
Tuesday is Groove and then Diane is over for lunch and a good old natter about where we both are with cruise stuff - really looking forward to Tuesday!
On Wednesday, Jeff is here in the morning to help with garden work - hopefully, he can get into the back garden but, if not, no problem.  He owes me a couple of visits so this is in the nature of an extra and it will be so nice to get the front trim and tidy and ready for whatever winter brings.  Then there is personal training and a governors' meeting come the evening. 
Thursday is Suze's funeral so it will be an extremely sad time.  I probably won't go to the 'and after' part though.
Friday is Slimming World and the Christmas Wreath workshop that I always enjoy so much
Oh, my gosh!!!

But today - today is Christmas Tree Day.  You know what it's all about; I have mentioned it several times in the past.  By the end of the day, my home will look lovely and festive.  Yes, it's a bit early but that's the way it worked this year.
This morning, I will brave the garage (eeeek) and excavate the Christmas tree and decoration boxes (great strength and aerobic exercise there), get down the Christmas cushions, the Christmas tablecloth and get out the Christmas china that I want to use this afternoon.  I need to sort out the food, work out when to pop stuff in the oven and generally get myself organised.  And, of course, it is Christmas jumper and earrings today too.  I'm so looking forward to seeing Beth and Alex for the first time in a few weeks;

Well, I'd better get going with my other social media stuff but, first of all, I need (yes, I do) my second coffee.
Have a lovely day, everyone.  Stay warm.  xx


  1. Have a lovely Christmas Tree Day, Joy - I know you will. xx

    1. I'm so looking forward to it - thank you so much, Sooze. xx

  2. What a lovely day to anticipate. Everything's building to Christmas now.

    1. Yes, it certainly is. Mind you, it's chaotic in my living room now that all the bags and boxes are in from the garage. It'll be fine but I wouldn't want anyone to call for a social coffee right now. lol
      But it's going to look lovely! xx

  3. can't wait to see all your decorations.....

    1. It's not finished yet but I've taken some photos. xx

  4. Joy, have a wonderful tree decorating day. You always have such busy weeks.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you, Jackie. It was a lovely day and I'm now shattered. :-)

  5. I'll enjoy seeing your Christmas decorations. I really don't think we'll be doing a lot of decorating here. It's really been that kind of year. Sigh

    1. ((( hugs ))). Maybe you could do just a couple of 'focus points'? An explosion in a glitter factory isn't always helpful, is it?

  6. I bet that tree looks stunning now. I do love this time of year.

    1. Me too. So full of colour and light. Gorgeous. xx
