Saturday 19 October 2024

Saturday evening, 19-10-24

Evening, everyone.  Hope you have had a good day despite any wet weather (it's been on and off damp here).

First of all, a big thank you to the person who commented about no Premier Inn in Sudbury but recommended The Cabin.  I looked it up and it looks really great.  I expect I will be contacting the owners pretty soon.  I'm very grateful for the recommendation.  Sorry, it was an anonymous comment so I don't know your name.

The concert performance of Chess yesterday evening was really very good for a small local amateur music and drama group.  I had a most enjoyable time with some Slimming World friends and I hope this evening went as well for them.  I had no idea Mark had such a good voice and Sheridan was in the chorus - both are part of our SW group.

On to today.

I've finished the waffle stitch blanket.  Goodness, you can really tell the difference in the dye lot, can't you, but it really doesn't matter at all.  It is lovely and soft and cosy and I can't decide whether to spread it over my duvet or keep it downstairs as an evening snuggle thing.  I could, of course, do both, couldn't I?

I'm up to date with my Christmas gift crochet along project - the next part of the pattern will be live at nine o'clock Tuesday morning.  I think it will be the last of the rectangles and weeks five and six will be joining and doing the border - I could be wrong there though.
I'm working on a granny square tank top and last week saw a pattern for a cardigan based to two granny hexagons which looked really nice - and I have the yarn.
I'm not starting the Persian Tiles project until December but I have treated myself to some fair isle effect yarn to make a neck warmer thingy - I think it is called a 'snood' - is that right?  I might start that tomorrow - it's just rib top and bottom and stocking stitch between and I just need to work out how many stitches.  I'm sure there's a free pattern somewhere online that will indicate . . . 
So I am not short of projects to keep my hands busy and my brain occupied in these dark evenings.

I've made the smaller Christmas cake plus two diddy little individual ones.  Yes, the house smells amazing and I can't go to bed yet because it needs to cool completely before I feed and wrap it.  I'm giving it a little while longer but it was almost cool when I last checked..  Now I have to decide how I want to ice it.

And finally, I've had both my vaccines!  Yay!  One in each arm so they're both a bit achey but not enough to stop me working on my crochet.  I am feeling a bit shivery and not 100% but pain killers should sort that one out, hopefully.

What I haven't done though is any ironing and the second load of washing.  That can wait until tomorrow - it isn't the end of the world, is it?

Oh, I nearly forgot - I had a most unexpected letter from my car insurance company telling me they had overcharged me at some point in 2022 (I think) and that they would be refunding me - and the amount, plus compensatory interest, minus tax comes to nearly £156.  Blimey!  That almost makes up for losing the winter fuel payment, doesn't it?
(I'm still doing a No Spend November though)

Well, time to go and check the cake.  I really hope it is cold - I'm more than ready for bed.
Sleep well, everyone.  xx


  1. The blanket looks so soft and cosy-just the thing for these darker nights. Hope the painkillers help the after effects of the jabs and you get a good sleep. Catriona

    1. Thanks, Catriona, I'm really happy with the blanket. It's such an east stitch but really attractive and would make a lovely first blanket for a baby, I think. xx

  2. Glad you enjoyed the performance. Sometimes the local ones are really fantastic and quite the bargain! The blanket looks wonderful, something to snuggle under in colder weather.

    1. Yers, I have been to some really good ones locally. They're doing Carousel at the Civic in the spring - definitely going to that one. xx

  3. The blanket is gorgeous! I really need to get to grips with waffle stitch, as I'd like to use it to make a baby blanket for my friend.
    The performance sounds great. There is a lot of talent out there. Xx

    1. Oh, snap! I did my answer to Catriona before reading this. Yes, it will make a gorgeous baby blanket and, truly, it's a very, very easy pattern. The stand out bits are done by trebling into the stem of the stitch below rather than the top and the borders are dc just into the back of the stitch rather than both bits. Really straightforward,

  4. The blanket looks very cosy and the colour gradation is rather pleasing.

    1. It's calm and restful, I think. Yes, it's very cosy. xx

  5. I always like a cosy blanket downstairs when there is a chill in the air but I don't want the heating on. Your blanket looks very cosy and snuggly.
    It sounds like you had a lovely evening at the Chess performance and it is good to be able to support a local group.
    An unexpected bonus from the car insurance and very welcome. Hope you are Ok after your jabs. Take care x
