Friday 18 October 2024

Friday evening (well, afternoon anyway), 18-10-24

Hi, everyone.  Here I am, back home, done one load of washing, done some shopping, made my second coffee, unpacked and half put away, surveyed the broad beans with satisfaction (not ready to pick yet but growing - see below) and started something exciting (I think it is exciting).

Yesterday was crash out day - you know what I mean, the one day in a holiday when you feel totally shattered.  It didn't help that I woke at half past three - yes, THREE - bright eyed, bushy tailed and unable to get back to sleep.  So annoying!

Come evening, I was so glad we were just staying in and having leftovers.  I couldn't even finish one of those 500ml bottles of fruit cider, something I really love.

I did manage to catch a bit of the Goose Patrol on my camera although I missed the start.  I think it has come out as a 'short'.

This morning was just gorgeous.  Really sunny and with that lovely misty effect as dew evaporates in the sunshine.  I didn't catch that but this is the view out the back of our lodge.  

We had to be out by ten and I was, bang on.  Beth and Alex had left earlier because Al wanted a last swim before they drove home.  I have to say, taking both cars made things much easier.

It was such a good drive home.  I think it would probably be quicker if I went A13, Newmarket, M11, etc, but5 I think the way I go is so much nicer and, anyway, there's no way I would voluntarily try to9 negotiate the roundabouts around Stansted.  It used to be so easy when Stansted was a little, local, friendly airport but not nowadays.

I go on the B1106 from Elveden to Bury St Edmunds, through the centre of Bury (very easy and past all the lovely, historical stuff), through Sudbury which may have some bottlenecks and heavy traffic but, oh, those buildings.  I wish I could have stopped and taken a few photos.
Here's a link to the Wiki page.   
In fact - as a side note, I might spend a weekend there at some point.  I bet there's a Premier Inn or something similar not too far away.
Anyway, through SUdbury, through Halstead, round Braintree and I'm almost home.
Easy peasy.

When I got home, I unpacked - as you do - made a strong coffee (didn't have one before the journey), put a load of washing in and grabbed my shopping list.

Now the washing is done, the shopping is away and I am writing this before going up for a bath and to get changed as I am out this evening to see a local concert performance of Chess with some of my SW friends.

Here they are - some of the Autumn broad beans.  They're growing quite slow as I expected they would but they are podding, filling out and looking so very healthy.  I reckon picking in November which is when the packet said.

I hadn't cleared the tomatoes in the bed, just those in pots, and I am so glad I hadn't because I came home to be greeted by more ready to pick.  So I have.

I wasn't going to make a Christmas cake this year but, when I came to it, this is not just a cake.

Ever since I took over making The Cake from Mum, I have made it on October 19th, tomorrow, Mum's birthday and I just couldn't NOT make one this year.

What I have done is weighed out half amounts and will make a smaller cake and, if there's any mix left over, I have some really small, individual sponge cake sized tins to make the kind of cake you get in an afternoon tea and I can make some mini cakes to ice and give as gifts.

So here's the mix.  I use the Delia recipe but I add cranberries, soak the fruit in cointreau and will add grated orange zest when I mix it all up tomorrow.

I am so glad I'm making one after all.  It's just a tradition that makes me happy and helps me to remember my lovely Mum.
Mum's Christmas Cake Day.  Tomorrow.

Right, better get this posted.  Tomorrow is cake day but I also have my covid and flu jabs.  Not so 3xciting and I have thye paracetamol ready - hopefully i8t won;'t be needed but better safe than sorry.

Hoping your day has been lovely.  Stay safe, everyone.  xx


  1. I love Cointreau in fruit salad but haven't added it for years because of young children. Enjoy your cake making tomorrow. 😎

    1. I guess littlies really don't appreciate the flavour - it is my favourite liqueur. xx

  2. Lucky you to still have produce from the garden. We've had some frosty nights so everything has been cleared out. Thanks for the reminder to get cracking on the Christmas cake. I do a plum pudding.

    1. We have had one frost, a week or so ago, but it didn't touch my garden which is quite sheltered. It can't be long now though. xx

  3. Oooh, Broad beans AND tomatoes. I have Borlotti beans, tomatoes and peppers still to pick plus the odd courgette and chard.
    I liked the Geese patrol!
    Bury is lovely. I would love to stay there!x

    1. Borlotti beans - how lovely is that - also the other things. Produce at this time of year is like a gift from nature.
      Bury is really lovely. There's a Premier Inn right in the middle, very close to all the interesting stuff and really not that costly as hotels go. It does meals and has car parking included. Maybe worth thinking about. xx

  4. I have never made fruit cake and really admire those that do.

    God bless.

    1. It sounds much more clever than it really is, I think. Basically - soak the fruit. add flour, egg and sugar plus various spies, etc, mix it all up and bake it slowly. Really much easier than most other cakes. Why not give it a go!
      Here's a link to the reipe, if you can access it.
      I always ice mine. xx

  5. Glad the drive was good. What a lovely tradition to make the fruit cake on Mum's birthday. Can't believe it's 'that' time of year again!

    1. It is nice, isn't it. I find remembering my lovely Mum and Dad at specific times of the year - birthdays and deathdays for starters - helps me at those times when their loss hits me so very hard. It feels very positive. xx

  6. There is no Premier Inn in Sudbury! Sore point due to incompetent local government and misguided conservationists. There is certainly lots heavy traffic going past the lovely buildings again due to incompetent local and national governments. No by pass to take all the lorries and trucks. If The Cabin off Melford Road is still going, I can recommend it, The couple who own are lovely.
