Good morning, everyone. Only four more days and February is done and dusted and we are a sixth of the way through the year (sorry!).
For your interest, here's the link to the Five Lakes web site.
Also, the September (next year) Spain group is fully booked so it's definitely on, assuming Armageddon hasn't landed before then! Let's live in hope, guys!!
Yesterday was yet another pretty idle day. I did a few bits and bobs as we all do but nothing out of the way. I did, however, notice that, with the rise in temperature, those weeds are fighting back so, weather permitting, it is back to ten minutes scraping a day!
I have washing and ironing today, I ought to change the bedding and the day starts with the groove class. The forecast is good so, fingers crossed, Chris and I will walk there and back again.
Also, I think I want to make another loaf today. I still have about four slices in the freezer b I just fancy a bit of bread making.
I think I want to have another go at sourdough. I never manage to crack this; it's made out to be so easy but I find it just doesn't work for me. Still, never give up . . .
Do you make sourdough?
Have a good day, everyone and enjoy everything you do. xx
I do make sourdough, and have for ten years, but as I’ve severely cut down on carbs for the last few months, I haven’t made it regularly and have somewhat lost my touch. As has my neglected starter. I’ve fed it well and I’m giving it a go later today! Fingers crossed …