Wednesday 22 November 2023

Wednesday, 22-11-23

Morning, all.  Yesterday started off dull and a little bit damp but not enough to stop me and Chris from walking down to Groove and back again.  BBC said it would gradually clear but they were wrong.  It didn't rain hard but there was plenty of drizzle, enough to be pretty damp and miserable.
Today started off with a very pink sky but things do seem to be clearing a bit.  I live in hopes.

I really enjoyed Groove yesterday, all the more so for having missed the week before.  The walk there and back was good too and I don't really know why it's taken me so long to start doing this - perhaps because now I have someone to walk with.

I did quite a bit of clearing and sorting during the day.  Now I KNOW I don't need any more festive candles, the Christmas jumpers and pjs are out and ready and I have earmarked stuff for moving to different places.  I can't start that until; the garden room is finished but I will and a bit of mental organisation never went amiss.

Yesterday, a bag of bricks arrived.  They are for repairing the walls around the raised beds and Maxine said the bricklayers will be here today.  It will be nice not to worry about the walls collapsing soon.

Today, the team is definitely back onto it; at least one is.  He's wandering about looking lonesome and waiting for someone else to arrive.  

I'm popping out at about nine, first into the big Tesco in town and then along to Asda.  Just to look (ha ha), you understand, but I have a little list of things for Saturday when Beth and Al are over as well.

I sorted put another bag in the freezer and found, right at the bottom, some really old casserole steak.  I'm thawing it out in hopes that some will be usable although there is bound to be freezer burn.  If I can, I will be slow cooking it today.  If not, it's bin day tomorrow!

Add to this mix some more sorting out (nothing is that bad but regular sort outs stop things from getting too daunting, don't they?) and that's most of my day, finishing off with personal training and a nice, quiet evening.
What does your day look like today?  xx


  1. I could do with a good sort through my freezer. There's still fruit from last year to use up before I start on this year's stash. I might make a huge crumble and freeze it in portions. It's always nice to be able to pull a dessert from the freezer isn't it.

    1. That's a very good idea . . . and crumbles are perfect for these cold, dark days. xx

  2. My freezer is in a muddle again but it will have to wait until this dratted cold is better!
    Alison in Wales x

  3. I really need to pull the older items to the front or top of the freezer. Perhaps next month. Hopefully your meat was not too badly freezer burned.

    God bless.

    1. Amazingly, it wasn't. It was all pretty good and now it's delicious beef stew, one for tonight and three for the freezer (again). I was so very pleased. A good reason for a regular sort out with the aim of eating the older stuff, isn't it?

  4. That's a reminder, if I needed one, that my freezer needs to be defrosted again. I hate that job but it's so nice when it's done.

    1. Exactly how I feel too - it feels so very good when it's done and what's inside is all listed and organised.

  5. Oh I hate drizzly days. I would rather it just rain...or not. Seems the weather can't make its mind up!

    1. Yes. Drizzle seems to get in all the nooks and crannies and dampens everything. xx
