Thursday 23 November 2023

Thursday, 23-11-23 - rambly post alert!

Morning, everyone.

I love the 23rd of each month.  That's the day my Teachers Pension lands in my account.  Obviously, it is not to be touched until the next month but it always gives me a feeling of security that if I did go over at the end of the month (which I don't but if . . .), I wouldn't go into a deficit.
And talking of pensions, I see the state pension will be going up in April.  Not a surprise but it's nice to know.  My Teachers Pension is index linked so I wonder how much that will increase by.
All reassuring and comforting in difficult times.

I've been thinking about next year and spending and so on.  Obviously, my short term savings have taken a big whammy in the last couple of years, what with window and gutter replacements, solar panels, garden rooms (one, anyway) and various other smaller home improvements, not to mention the cruise.  I have two short holidays booked for next year,  amounting to about nine days altogether but they have already been paid for completely.  I have various one day coach trips at intervals which have not been paid for but which won't break the bank.  
However, my savings are much depleted and next year is the year I start to build them up again because at some point my car will need replacing and there's always something in the house that needs doing, isn't there?

Time to stop anticipating New Year  expectations and get on with today's blog . . .

The team was back in force yesterday.  No bricklayers but lots of drilling and hammering as they finished things off, got the wiring sorted out and so on.  I gather the bricklayers will be here today.

I escaped to Tesco and then to Asda, mostly just to have a nosey round but also to get a few bits and bobs and - finally - success.  Tesco had jars of roasted red peppers in brine.  Three cheers.  I stocked up!
Mind you, the price hasn't half gone up while they have not been available.  Quelle surprise!!
Apart from that and stuff for Saturday, there really wasn't much to look at in either shop.  I won't be making either shop a more regular thing.

Another thing that made me happy was that when that very old casserole steak thawed, it really wasn't in bad nick at all.  A tiny bit of freezer burn but nothing too bad so I was able to cook the lot overnight in my slow cooker and it's absolutely lovely - savoury and tender.   It'll go back in the freezer in single portions, of course, but probably not for very long.  

Today starts with online SET, moves on to coffee and chat with Chris and then, in the afternoon, I have personal training, moved from yesterday to today at Lindsey's request.  In between all this, there's keeping the lads happy with coffee and biscuits.  Seth tells me it is bricklayers today (repairing the walls of the raised beds), finishing off the electrics and he also might do the flooring today - a nice, light grey laminate wood effect flooring.  I'm not sure about the painting.
Apparently, the cupboard units are due to arrive tomorrow.  If they do and if they get them in, I can perhaps start moving stuff out over the weekend.  Three cheers.  I'll check on that though.
We're getting there!
(note to self - must get Seth to show me how the bifolds actually work)

It's getting colder, according to the Met Office/BBC so stay as warm as you can, everyone.  xx


  1. I like the sound of those peppers don't usually go to Tesco but it will be good to have a look.
    Garden room sounds like it's coming along very well and Yes, you'd better find out about the doors!

    1. You can roast your own peppers, of course, but it's so nice to have some ready to hand in a jar.
      It's manic out there in the garden right now - dismantling the top of the walls around the beds without damaging the rest of the wall. I'm just not looking!! xx

  2. On the 2/12/2023 there is a folk art sewing event, 2-5 same place as before. Deb in Essex

    1. Looking forward to it, albeit with much sadness because Suze won't be there. xx

  3. It's best not to look when things are happening over which you have no control. It will all look lovely. x x x

  4. It's good to have a safety net of savings isn't it. The pension increase will be very welcome for Tony. I've a couple more years left before I reach pension age. We won't know what to do with all that money as we're so used to living without it.

    1. Yes, it is. I bet you will though, even if it's tucked away for a rainy day. Nice to know it is coming. xx

  5. I've noticed I have to think about money much more in retirement than when I was in full time work........
    We have it sunny with a chilly wind, after all the rain " I'll take that " as they say!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I think I was quite careless really - no time or energy to really be careful. It's different now.
      It's lovely and sunny here at the moment. Not too chilly but it's predicted to get a lot colder. xx

  6. Good afternoon, Joy! I've just enjoyed a much needed catch up with your posts. I think your angel is delightful and definitely needs to stay in the house where she can be admired. As for your garden room...Wow! It looks amazing. I bet you can't wait until it's completely finished and you can enjoy spending time in it. Xx

    1. Hi, Jules. Thank you for this. You're right - now it's all happening and I'm getting used to it being there, I am so looking forward to using it. And the little angel is definitely earning her space in cuteness. xx

  7. My pension is 19th of each month as my birthday is 20th and we will have come under the same Educational Auth, Essex.. Your summer will be fantastic.

    1. Yes, we do. I bet you feel the same about the 19th of each month! :-) xx

  8. Glad to read that the steak was still in good shape. Now you have some ready meals in the freezer for those days you get busy, or just don't want to cook.

    God bless.

    1. I was very pleased. It's helpful to have some heat and eat meals, isn't it, or I can use the casserole to make a pie or crumble. Very useful.

  9. Glad it's all coming along nicely. As husband is looking to retire in a few years I really want to buckle down next year and try to save more, cut back on spending and try to make it a reality!

    1. In lots of ways, I found I was spending less without any effort after retirement. There's so much more time to take the longer but more frugal route. xx
