Saturday 18 November 2023

Saturday, 18-11-23

Morning, everyone.  The nicer weather has broken and it's raining this morning.  Not very nice and I suspect that means the walk is off as we are all in our seventies and, let's be honest, maybe a bit more wobbly than we used to be.

SW was great.  I lost a bit more and am now right on my exact target weight again.  Once you're a target member, you're 'allowed' a leaway of three pounds either way - so a range of half a stone - which I think very sensible and practical.  When I say 'allowed', I mean if you're outside that range you have one week of grace and if you're still outside, you will be expected to start paying again (target members don't pay).

Because of the cruise, I would like to lose a little more to give me a buffer but we will see how that goes.  

When I came home, Seth's lads had done a reasonable clear up of the garden, left and the plasterer was busy at work.  He's coming back this morning to just clear up and finish off (not in that order!!) and I gather the radiator is arriving at some point in the next few days.

Just after the cleaners arrived, I set off for the Clock Tower shops - good timing as I like to keep out of their way - and had a lovely time wandering around Dunelm.

Yes, I got a couple of big artificial plants which look OK - I mean , they don't look real but they're actually OK.  The two on the right are the ones I got and I might get a third at some point, three always grouping better than two.
I might take a trip to Tescos at some point (thank you, Ruth) to see what/if they have.  Also to look at their clothes and Christmas stuff which is always fun, even when you don't buy anything.
I also got a couple of wall clocks, one bigger one for the living room (remember I mentioned wanting one months ago) and a small one for the garden room.  Very cheap but they will do for now.

And two nice Christmas candles.  Once I have to draw the curtains before dinner, out comes the candle that I burn beside the telly.  At the moment I have one from Home Bargains - warm apple and cinnamon - which is really nice.  The two candles I got yesterday (one from Aldi, one from Dunelm) are clementine and cinnamon + sandalwood.  Just my sort of thing and, to me, so festive.
I got some groceries too which saves me needing to shop next week.

After putting everything away, I settled down with the happy thought that all the chores were done and I had what was left of the afternoon and evening for relaxing things like crochet, catching up on YouTube and reading.

So that's just what I did!

I've just had a text from David saying the walk is off - no surprises there - but in a few minutes Lindsey will be calling me to the online SET class so I'd better hurry.  Once that's done I want to make some bread and I thought I would make a batch of mince pies for the freezer seeing as I found a jar of mincemeat from last year at the back of the cupboard.  
I have some washing to do (which might mean ironing this evening) and some meal planning for the week ahead.
I was hoping to do a bit of gardening, seeing as most of the clutter has been cleared but, unless things significantly improve, no way!!

Better stop and get ready for SET.  Enjoy your day, whatever the weather, and take care if you go out.  The underfoot leaves can be very slippery.  xx


  1. Your scented candles sound lovely. There are advantages to long, dark evenings! x x x

    1. Indeed there are. Lovely, cosy advantages. :-) xx

  2. Your candles sound lovely and you have a wonderful day ahead it seems. I understand about slippery leaves. My husband fell while hiking with our dog and injured his finger and slippery leaves were to blame! Take care.

    1. Oh, no. That sounds nasty. Is he OK now? I was fine about it being cancelled, even with my nice, rugged sole snow boots! :-)

  3. I am always impressed how busy your days are, Joy. You put me to shame! However, since I turned 80 last year I think I deserve to take things a bit more slowly.

    1. Indeed you are, Chris. I'm not sure you're that much less active than I - I read your blog and am always impressed with what you get up to. Tennis, cooking for others, swimming, clearing copious amounts of snow . . . and that's what immediately comes to mind. :-)
      One of the nicest things about being retired is that, apart from the basics of nutrition and cleanliness, there's not a lot we HAVE to do. We can choose to, of course, and we do, but if we fancy a more gentle day/week/month - then why not, good for us!
      It's all good, isn't it? xx

  4. I love scented candles and the only time I don't burn them is in deep summer when it is just too hot. Right now I am burning pine scented, but yours sound really lovely.

    God bless.

    1. It's one of those little treats that makes a big difference. So evocative. Pine sounds gorgeous too. xx
