Thursday 25 January 2024

Thursday, 25-01-23

Good morning again, everyone.  It's a damp old start to the day round here.  Not cold, just damp.  Definitely not a day for hanging out the washing, if I had any to hang out.

I had a grand old time at Lindsey's - she has loads and loads of stuff, 99.9% really good stuff, and we managed to sort through a fair old portion of it, getting dresses on hangers and on rails while tops, exercise wear, trousers/jeans/shorts, jumpers, coats, etc, were all folded into different bags, ready for putting out on trestle tables on Saturday.
There's still some to do but we made some great progress and Lindsey has help on Saturday morning too.
And nearly £200 has already been donated - fantastic.
I came home with four items - two tops, a shirt and some cropped exercise leggings.  I need to try them on but I'm pretty sure they will be fine for me.  I'll be going again on Saturday anyway because there's more I want to see.
Thanks for your positive comments about this - Lindsey has worked so very hard to make it work and I'm sure it will be amazing!

Personal training was also good - the time goes so quickly!

Today is an online SET class at nine fifteen and them Chris will be round for our coffee and chat.  Looking forward to that no end.
Then, this afternoon, I'm in school wearing my governor's hat for a meeting that should have happened last term but didn't, for very good reasons.
In between, I will get on with a bit more sorting and clearing, I think.  Why not?  (no need to answer that one!)

Have a really good day, everyone, and stay safe, warm and dry, whatever your plans.  xx


  1. It sounds as if the sale on Saturday will be a great success. Dampish here, too, but it might brighten up later.

    1. I do hope so. As Lindsey said, none of the clothing will be wasted. What isn't taken will go to Social Services and various charities. xx

  2. Very damp, dull and dreary here today........the 3 d's 😀 X
    Alison in Wales x

    1. It cheered up this afternoon which was nice. xx

  3. Wow, it sounds like donations abound and to have 200 pounds already donated is amazing.

    God bless.
