Thursday 11 January 2024


 Morning, everyone.  I'm finally back to waking at daft o'clock which actually suits me much better.  I do like to get everything organised and ready before bath and whatever exercise class it is at 9:15 and I was finding it a bit or a rush at times.

I went a bit spendy yesterday but it was on essentials.  
I'm down to my last bag of salt pellets for the water softener so I ordered more - they are must haves.
Also - and I am a bit ashamed to admit this - because the cleaners have always brought what they need with them, I didn't really have a cohesive collection of cleaning products.  I had some, of course, but I needed to get them together and be sensible and rational about it all.  I looked at what I had, noted what needed replacing and set forth to Home Bargains.
And, to my utter disgrace, it is so long since I used my floor steam cleaner, I had to look up the instructions.  Ooops.  At least I have a steam cleaner - that's helpful!

However, to counterbalance this bit of spendiness, I got an email from One Traveller regarding the refund for the excursion that had to be cancelled due to bad weather.  I sent off my details and got a reply saying allow up to fourteen days for it to land.
But, when I checked a bit later on, there it was.  Maybe they meant fourteen minutes!
That's a little bit moved across into savings seeing as it came out of savings in the first place.  Good start!

One result of Lindsey re-organising and 'rationalising' her class times - it did need doing - is that four of the classes I do now all start at 9:15 - circuits, Groove and two SET classes.  In a way, that's helpful, but add Slimming World to the mix and it does mean that the only day I can do an early morning shop now is Wednesday.  Yesterday I went to Home Bargains, intending to go on to B&M for what I couldn't get in HB.  However, they had everything on my list so I was able to come straight home.

After sorting that out, I started on my bedroom; it's going to take more than one session to finish it properly.  It's not bad, it just needs a bit more organising and yesterday I gave it the weekly clean too.  

Personal training was, as always, good.  Two years ago, I would have been a quivering jelly after having three weeks off so there's definitely some good progress there.  

Then, in the evening, I caught up with the festive recording on Sewing Bee.  Part of it, anyway; I fell asleep so will finish it today.  I loved both the Brussels sprout and the carrot costumes - very clever!

Today, being Thursday, starts with SET online, then Chris is round for coffee and chat and after that I will continue sorting my bedroom out.  Will I get it finished - no idea, but I'll get more done, for sure.

What are your plans for today?


  1. You've started the new year with a bang, Joy. You put me to shame.
    It's nice when refunds arrive more quickly than expected, isn't it? x

    1. I really was very surprised, especially as they said fourteen days (not that it should be that long nowadays but - you know). Yes, I was pleased. xx

  2. That was a quick refund. Is it earmarked for another cruise or was one cruise enough.

    1. Savings at the moment - well, Premium Bonds really. I'd like to get up to the maximum at some point. I view it as short-ish term savings so maybe going towards another cruise at some point. Maybe not. lol

  3. I’m having a laundry day today and as the weather is dreich, the dryer is being used. However, that saves on the ironing! Catriona

    1. We had sun this morning but it is chilly and dull now. Not wet but I wouldn't want to put the washing out! xx

  4. Dog walk followed by a visit to a friend for a natter. Homemade soup for lunch ( still very cold here)
    This afternoon I really should be doing chores but I might make some cards instead!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I know which I would choose - and it isn't housework. :-)
      It's not very cold here, it's hovering a bit above freezing but it feels damp. Not nice. The soup sounds perfect though. xx

  5. we have a water softener and cannot live without it running. Very high iron in the water around here.....

    1. I'd hate not to have mine. I have no scaling issues whatsoever - my kettle and washing machine are still pretty much 100% clear. xx

  6. My plans for today are to pay all bills out of last months salary, so that this months can remain untouched for as long as possible and be used for savings, find a list of estate agents ready to sell our flat in Wales and then make a freezer inventory and a menu plan ready for next week.

    1. That sounds great - long, medium and short term stuff. Perfect. Good luck with the flat sale. xx

  7. I must see if I can get Sewing Bee on my mini computer. I would really like to watch that. Right now I am watching reruns on it.

    Definitely a need for the water softener salt.

    God bless.

    1. Indeed - and it arrived this morning - a week earlier than they said. No complaints here.

      Good luck with your Sewing Bee hunt. xx

  8. That sounds like quite the busy day! The cleaning spends were a must and will, hopefully, last a while. I'm sure the money you save not having the cleaners will be worth it. Glad the refund arrived promptly.

    1. It didn't feel all that busy, probably because a lot of it was fun rather than have-to-do-it stuff. I was delighted about the refund being so quick too - well done, One Traveller. xx
