Monday 15 January 2024

Monday, 15-01-24

Morning, everyone.  How on earth can we be half way through January already?  It's a bit cold today - and by that I mean we have a bit of a frost!  That's cold for Essex < grin >.

Alison and Marjorie - here's a link to Digging for Britain.  We're on series 11 and there are seven already available with three more to go.  And, of course, lots of back series if you're interested.

I had a lovely chat with Beth yesterday, reliving my holiday as we went through the photos.  Also, we have decided (for the future) that it's time we shook up our Christmas routines a bit and maybe have it at hers one year and mine the next sort of thing.  She and I had both been thinking about it but didn't want to upset the other - lol.  She had a lovely time at home.
She also reminded me that we had planned to take one of the really posh woodland villa thingies for a family celebration on my 75th birthday - so must save for that, they are shockingly expensive.  

Today, I'm ready to leave for circuits and then it is a day in getting up to date with washing, drying, ironing, cleaning, etc, before chilling with my knitting and my Christmas recordings (still catching up) - just an 'ordinary' day
What does your ordinary day look like - not that any day is completely that.  There's always something to make it special; you just have to look for it sometimes.


  1. We have a a tiny snowfall overnight on top of heavy frost so the roads and pavements are slippy. I’ve already alerted my craft group that tomorrow will depend on the weather-I live 10 miles away from where I take the class. That’s good that you have had a chat about Christmas-we always spend it on our own as our daughter is usually abroad in the sun. We are thankful to have enough to eat and heat and it’s all very low key. I’m tavkling a mountain of ironing today and then it’s Pilates. Catriona

    1. Oh, that sounds nasty - do take care and making tomorrow dependent sounds very wise to me.
      I think it's funny that we were both thinking the same thing and not saying for fear of hurting the other. Yes, we are so fortunate to have enough and a warm place to enjoy it, aren't we? There's other times for family catch ups.

      Enjoy the day! xx

  2. It's bright but cold here. It's so good to see the sun from inside a warm house! Today is sorting out the bins ready for refuse collection tomorrow, the first week we're back to normal collections since Christmas and the New Year. x x x

    1. I've just been thinking exactly the same thing. I've been energetic with the old housework too and it feels lovely and warm, even though the heating is only set to 18.
      We were lucky withy out bin collecting. The week between Christmas and New Year was set back one day and then it was all back to normal again - very little disruption. xx

  3. Thank you for the link 😍
    My ordinary day so far has been cleaning windows ( indoors ) too chilly for cleaning windows outside imho. Then I walked our two younger dogs, the oldie stayed home - she has more sense 😀 It takes about 20 minutes to clean up the dogs on return, the lanes round here are a mud slick at the moment.....then we were ready for lunch.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Definitely much, much too chilly, I agree. That can wait. Mine do look awful with the sun shining through but it doesn't inspire me at all. :-)

  4. Well after two days of not starting the vehicle and Hubby leaving the lights on we are working at -27 C to get it up and running once again. That will be the job for today.

    God bless.

    1. Oh, dear. I hope it didn't take too long. xx

  5. My ordinary day consists of laundry, catching up on blogs I follow and watching the weather to see if we get any snow and, if so, I will need to cancel handbell practice this evening. Oh, and I will be checking out the "Silver Sneakers" site that I now have joined to see what exercise videos I want to join in with. You have inspired me! Have a lovely day, Joy!

    1. Silver sneakers sounds good and I hope you found plenty to interest you.
      Did you get any snow? xx

  6. It remains brutally cold here (-29C with windchills of -45C), hence I am remaining at home. The snow that fell overnight can remain on the walkways and driveway; I'll worry about it later.
    The sun is shining, so I plan to pull out my cross stitch project and take advantage of the good light. Beyond that it's a regular day around here.

    1. That's appallingly cold, colder than anything we're going to get around here (thank goodness). Enjoy your crafting. xx

  7. That sounds nice. Prices really have gone up, haven't they? I just hung a load of washing out on the line. I am making bone broth and will vacuum and dust this afternoon.

    1. They really have - and one can't see the end of it either. Your day sounds nice and gentle; I hope it went well. xx

  8. Since you ask, I spent the morning (after my workout and a soak in the tub) in my p.j.'s until it was time to venture out to play Bridge with friends at the seniors centre. I was well bundled up for my outing as we have sub zero temperatures this week with a nasty coating of frozen slush on walkways, but at least the roads are driveable!

    1. We've heard of the shockingly lot temperatures in Canada at the moment. I'm glad the roads are safe and hope you had a lovely time with your friends. xx

  9. Very cold here. Too cold to go outside for long. Sounds like you had a nice chat with Beth. I'm helping daughter get some sleep as much as I can . Baby A is having some restless nights.

    1. It can be hard when a baby is breast fed but I am sure you are being a very great help to your daughter at the moment. I remember how much my mum helped me with both mine when they were new-born.
      Yes, we had a lovely chat, thanks. xx

  10. We have always hosted Christmas day at our house and our grown up children join us here. However, Christmas 2023 we had a change and went to our son's place for dinner. It was lovely and everyone helped with the numerous meal tasks and bought food contributions. It was fab and we would do it again.
    Mostly general pottering seems to be the way things are going here at the moment.

    1. Sometimes it just feels right to change an established tradition, doesn't it? I'm rather looking forward to it all, to be honest.
