Sunday 14 January 2024

Sunday, 14-01-24

Good morning, one and all.  How are things?

Thanks for your lovely comments yesterday.  I'm particularly excited about the Norwich trip.  Alex was at uni in Norwich and Beth and I had planned a short break there - maybe a Monday to Friday - to see the sights and Alex!  Then along came Covid, lockdown and the ruin of Alex's university life and experience so, obviously, it never happened and I haven't been there since.
It's one of those 'plan your own day' trips so I need to do a bit of Googling, don't I?

Yesterday was just one of those lazy days - I got through SET fine and then just pottered doing a bit here, a but there and quite a lot of sitting and knitting.  I have been re-watching the Ehle/Firth Pride and Prejudice on iPlayer and re-reading the book too.  Great fun.  I also watched my recent recordings of Digging for Britain which it really, really enjoy.  Do any of you watch it?
As for knitting, Potters at Five Lakes has started a Knit and Natter to make scarves for people in need - it's based at the resort, of course, but I'm going in April and can take what I have made with me and what a great way to continue using up my stash.  Just garter stitch and 30st per row but that's fine - keeps my hands busy as well as reducing what spare yarn I have so all good!

Today, I have an invite from Beth to go round for coffee and I will take my laptop with me to show her some holiday photos as well as a general catch-up.  I'm looking forward to that.

How are you spending your Sunday?  xx


  1. What a good cause the knitting is. Have a lovely time with Beth xx

    1. Just back - it was a lovely catch up. xx

  2. Norwich in April will be lovely. By then spring should truly be here. A 30-stitch scarf should knit up quickly and what a good idea it is. Is it acceptable to do more stitches if you wish?

    1. The pattern is very specific so I think not - it's not a problem anyway. xx

  3. Mine is a real tidy up today-I am pairing all the plastic boxes with their lids and some are going to be rehomed at The Men’s She for screws etc.I then had a scarf cull with 12neatly folded for the charity shop. The ones I am keeping are in a short machine wash. Catriona

    1. Oh, those plastic boxes and lids - why do I always have some left that refuse to match? Good luck with that. xx

  4. We watched that version of P and P on New Year's Day - I love it, and the book of course. I haven't tried the other programme you refer to, not sure what it's about sounds like gardening? x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. That explains why it is back in my records again - I didn't set it anew but I didn't cancel the setting to record.
      The other is archeology/history based. I'll post a link to it in tomorrow's blog. xx

  5. I plan on doing some knitting, and sewing. I have a list of projects to complete this month and am not really doing very at getting them done. Today will be a push to try and finish at least one.

    God bless.

    1. Good for you, Jackie. And perfect when you can't (or don't want to) go out. xx

  6. I've been watching curling and working on a knitted shawl. It's made with super bulky yarn so isn't pretty in the conventional sense but will be a nice addition to put around my shoulders when I'm feeling a chill.

    1. That's the most important thing - and I bet it looks nicer than you think. xx

  7. Love the British Archaeology programs. I hope that one shows up on this side of the pond. Nice you can have a knitting experience on your holiday. Right now I am knitting wool hats for the homeless centre 100 miles one way from me (closest civilization). They have to be wool in my opinion due to our frigid winters, -30s right now.

    1. Good for you - we can't change the world but, just maybe, we can change a bit of one person's world.
      I'll post a link to Digging for Britain in Monday's blog. I hope it helps. xx

  8. I love that version of Pride and Prejudice. It has to be my favourite version. I can't tell you how many times I've watched it!

    1. It's a lovely adaptation, isn't it? Fairly close to the book too - apart from the wet shirt bit!!
