Tuesday 2 January 2024

Cruise day 12

Good morning, everyone.  Welcome to Jan 1st (2nd by the time I send this) and a Happy New Year.  Did you enjoy your celebrations or was it a case of 'just another evening and early bed'.  Mine is usually the latter but as the morning goes on into the afternoon, most of us in the One Traveller group are feeling a bit the worse for wear.  
Each morning, we always have a get together with Steve from ten onward but we were decidedly thin on the ground.  We put a team together to do the morning quiz and didn't do too badly - 15/20 is respectable.

On the second day, Steve gave out One Traveller quiz sheets to fill in and return.  I did mine there and then and handed it back.  He marked them today and guess what - I got the highest marks - not that any of us scored all that many - 13.5 isn't brilliant.

Diane and I were going to walk the deck but, as we left the shelter of the fjords, it became decidedly rocky so it put paid to our fitness plans!!  We're down in our cabins having rest time before lunch.  This afternoon there is afternoon tea (will try to remember to take a photo) and, as always, pre-dinner drinks when Steve gives out any notices or information.

I took a little clip from my cabin window.  The glass is pretty mucky by now, as you can see, but it was so lovely to see the sun and the white seahorse waves.

The lovely weather didn't last for long and now it's pretty choppy so we must be hitting the North Sea again.  That's life, I guess.

I spent a lot of the afternoon in my cabin, catching up on sleep so missed the afternoon tea - not that I needed it in any way whatsoever.   Pre dinner drinks was fun - one of our group won a bottle of bubbly in a quiz and shared it with the rest of us - those who wanted some, that is.  Dinner was, as always, absolutely amazing - I'm going to have to do some adjusting when I get home.

Then it was the show, the Balmoral singers and dancers who did a fantastic job despite increasingly unsure footing as it got more choppy.
Diane and I decided that we needed our beauty sleep much more than we needed the late evening's entertainment so I'm now in my cabin getting this finished.

Tomorrow is another cruising day as we head back to Southampton and I need to start thinking about packing.  So sad but all good things come to an end and it'd been the most amazing time.  I hope you have also had a lovely day, whatever you have done.
I'll set this to go live tomorrow early morning!


  1. Thank you very much for sharing your travel and the splendid pictures of Scandinavia. Happy New Year !
    Maguy (from Brittany, France)

  2. I hope your sailing is smooth. You have some lovely memories to look back on. x x x

  3. Your trip was amazing (I have managed to catch up on a few blogs...no posts from me but lots of reading). I hope your cruise ends with a bit of a smoother finish than right now.

    God bless.

  4. Goodness, time to pack already, safe travels x
    Alison in Wales x

  5. That's the problem with cruises and holidays in general, they always end too soon.
    Enjoy your last couple of days on the ship!

  6. It's been an amazing trip for you, it's going to be sad to disembark in Southampton. But then there are always more brochures to pore over for next year.

    Oh and I actually managed to stay awake until after midnight this year, the full bottle of wine I drank helped me get to sleep the minute my head touched the pillow at 1am. :-)

  7. I really want to try a cruise but hubby is not keen at all. I am glad you have had a lovely time. We were the early to bed, early to rise crew here in Canada on New Year!! Happy New Year to you!

  8. I love hearing about your cruise. I am looking forward to mine next year. We start in Southampton and end in Iceland. Your blog makes me so excited about it!

    1. Forgot to sign off as TheAwakenedSoul. Happy Cruising!

  9. Glad the show was good. Sounds as though you'd really recommend this cruise!
