Sunday 21 January 2024

Sunday, 21-01-24

Hi, everyone.  The cold has gone and the rain and wind have arrived.  Thank goodness for a reasonably sheltered garden!

Yesterday was another of those days where nothing much happens.  I was quite sleepy and had more than a power nap in the afternoon.  I still slept well over night so must have needed it.

Today looks like being more of the same - bit of housework, bit of washing, bit of ironing, some meal prep and cooking and lots of chilling.  I'm looking forward to it.  

What's the wind like your way?  xx


  1. Feels like the calm before the storm, we're expecting it later all along the South Coast. Testing positive for COVID, drat, drat and double drat!! Fingers crossed it remains just a heavy cold so nothing out of the ordinary so far. Annabeth x

    1. Oh, botheration. I'm glad you're not feeling too bad - it does seem to be much less severe for most people nowadays. I hope it stays heavy-cold-ish and no worse. xx

  2. I think that a change in the weather sometimes affects us and makes us sleepy. That's my excuse, anyway. Have a peaceful day, Joy. x x x

    1. Perhaps it does. Also, I'm coming out of a stoking cold - I'm fine now but maybe my body is catching up.
      (I am aware that makes no sense at all!!!)

  3. I didn’t bet out of my dressing gown until 1pm yesterday and pottered and knitted to my heart’s content. Happy Sunday. Catriona

    1. Oh, lovely. I love a dressing gown down time. Especially with knitting! xx

  4. At the moment we are in the lull before the storm, although the rain has been building and building all morning. When the wind arrives ... if it does ... I'll be glad that I don't have to go anywhere else today. Sunday at home with coffee, blog posts and my book sounds just perfect to me.

    Stay safe. xx

    1. It does. It is Monday now and it's been a wild old night but no damage done (personally). It doesn't seem so bad now. xx

  5. It's deceptive here right now - bright sunshine but cold with strong gusty winds. Wind gusts forecast to be 62 here later! A 'bits of this and that' and chilling day sounds lovely - just what I'm doing too. xx

    1. The wind died away for a time yesterday (it's Monday now) and it was really pleasant but that didn't last. xx

  6. Very blowy and also rain at times here, but this evening the wind is set to pick up to 69/70 at times - batten down the hatches!
    Enjoy your Sunday x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. It's been a wild night, judging by news reports. xx

  7. Sometimes its nice to have a 'nothing' day to gather your thoughts!

  8. After our deep freeze here on the Canadian prairies, it has started to warm up which is very welcome. Enjoy your relatively quiet, laid back day.

    God bless.

    1. That is VERY good news. i'm glad for you all. xx
