Sunday 7 January 2024

Sunday, 07-01-24: a review - long post alert

Morning, everyone.  It's turned colder here and we have a frost.  I missed the terrible weather over Christmas and New year, if course, but we heard about it and I am relieved that
a.  it's settled somewhat
b.  everything round this way seems to be safe and sound - it was reassuring that Chris and Beth were both keeping an eye on things so I would have heard if there had been any damage.
I like frosts - they feel invigorating!

I was so tired yesterday - post holiday crash, I expect, plus the end of a cold.  I got the washing finished, the ironing done and some stuff away and will get the last remaining bits sorted this morning.  I could/should have done it yesterday but didn't!

What I did do was . . .
make three loaves of bread, two wholemeal as usual and one dark rye/spelt one.  They had this delicious Scandinavian dark rye seeded bread on offer in the eating places and I fell in love with it.  What I made isn't the same but it is jolly good, all the same, so I am happy!
some knitting.  I took a small project away with me but did very little of it so I'm getting on with it now.
some reading, mainly using Readly to catch up on food magazines.
some snoozing - not as much as I thought i might but that was OK, I was resting anyway.
some planning - meals and housework!
lots and lots of catching up with Christmas telly.  Doctor Who was not quite what I expected but I enjoyed it so much and I'm looking forward to the start of the new series now; and I am so pleased that Would I Lie To You is back on.  It's so funny!

Today is more of the same really.

I was having a little ponder about this last year (as you do) thinking 'better late than never'.  I started off the year with three words that sort of encapsulated where I wanted things to go through 2023.
They were contentment, consistency and confidence - the three Cs!

How could I not be content?  I'm very lucky.  However, I did try to move outside my box a bit and found contentment there too.  It's not about just sitting back and letting life slide.  I love finding joy in the small things.

I think I have developed more consistency in small ways this year.  I started the year with some areas in a right muddle but now I am managing my finances much better, keeping an eye on them pretty much daily; I have a number of small daily 'housework' habits established that I feel happy about then they are done (such as cleaning round the kitchen, bathroom and loo; making my bed properly every day; keeping up with the washing and ironing - that sort of thing).  I've kept up with my friendships, meeting up regularly for coffee, chat, lunch, etc. ;   I've developed much more consistent eating habits which have helped me to get to my target weight and stay there, more or less - not right now after the holiday, of course, but I have set a plan in action to deal with that; and, finally, I have been really consistent with my exercise, thanks to Lindsey's classes and encouragement.
There's plenty of room for development in this area but I'm happy with how things have gone.

Confidence?  Now that's an interesting one for me.  Being an introvert, it is very easy to muddle that with lack of confidence - perhaps they are linked, perhaps they are not.  What has happened this year is that I have started to accept that I'm not all that outgoing;  I don't jump in at the deep end in anything, I think and plan and withdraw at times - and it's OK to be like that, it is absolutely fine.  We're not all outgoing extroverts, thank goodness.  So I think I am much more confident with what I naturally am and the way I like and want to live my life and I am learning to say 'no' when needed.  I'm happy with that.

There's been some big things this last year. 
Solar panels for a start.  My goodness, the difference they have made to my summer electricity bills in particular.  It will be a number of years before they actually pay for themselves but the lighter bills have definitely softened the blow of all those other price rises.
Garden room/shed.  You must be absolutely fed up of hearing about this but I am so glad I was able to have it done.  It's changed the garden vibes, of course, and that is an ongoing work but already I am seeing the benefits in better organisation of all my stuff.
Then there was the cruise.  All I am saying is that it was the chance of a lifetime and I am so, so glad I was able to go.

Then there's been loads of smaller things, some connected with the above and some now.
I have much less yarn stashed away and I have dropped plenty of new hand knits in the Salvation Army recycling bin.
Clothes are much more organised and sorted - it's an ongoing process, of course, and I already have a small pile to take to Lindsey for a charity event she is running.  However, I don't have things that I 'might slim into' any more; nor do I have any 'just in case' bigger sized clothes.  They have all gone!
Through the year, I went through pretty much every cupboard in the house and decluttered.
I now have one freezer rather than the two I previously had.  Seth took the unwanted one to use.  Linked to that, I've organised the contents and have fairly up to date audits.  Everything is now in bags and items no longer get lost in the chilly depths.
OK, the garage is currently a bit of a mess but it is part of the whole Garden room thing and I want to get all that sorted through January and February, depending on weather.

That's all that comes to mind but I have really enjoyed thinking it all through - you don't realise, do you, how much 'stuff' gets done over time.

If you've made it to the end, thank you and congratulations!
Have a lovely Sunday and stay warm.  xx


  1. We love 'Would I lie to you' - especially when Bob Mortimer is on it, he just cracks me up, he's so hilarious. You can tell you were a teacher, Joy, you're very organised (as is my sister in law, who's also an ex-teacher). You do seem to be very self-aware - by that I mean that you are very aware of how you are (in terms of the confidence and introvert things), and can fairly easily work out what's best for you - such a good talent to have. And learning to say No is a very important thing, something I've struggled with in the past but am learning to do. Your garden room and the cruise were definitely the highlights of your year, and I've really enjoyed reading about them as they progressed, thank you. xx

    1. Bob Mortimer is brilliant - the way he always fools David Mitchell is hilarious.

      Thanks, Sooze. For so long I have gone through life thinking that lack of enthusiasm was down to laziness and beating myself up about it - why has it taken me 70-ish years to see it in a different way, I wonder? Saying no is definitely a hard thing to master. especially when it impacts someone else as well, but sometimes you have to. I'm glad we are both learning . . .

  2. I agree with all of the above. Sooze has expressed it perfectly. x

    1. I'm sure I answered this yesterday - sorry.
      Thanks very much, Janice. xx

  3. Solar panels make such a difference don't they,. we are definintely adding them to our next home. They earnt us a lot of money while we were in Wales and were well on their way to paying for themselves, and of course they add value to the house don't they. Your garden room will be a great place to spend time in a couple of months and I should imagine on a day like today ... it's cold but the sun is shining here ... it must be lovely in there.

    1. They have made a big difference, yes. I've wanted to have them for years and it's so nice to have that wish fulfilled.
      Yes, the garden room is just lovely.

  4. You seem to be figuring things out perfectly. As another introvert (people don't agree with this, but I really am), it does get hard sometimes to separate confidence and being happier alone or in smaller groups. So nice to hear about your solar panels, and watch the garden room being built.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks, Jackie. I agree, it is easy to confuse the two.
      How are you feeling now? xx

  5. Yes agree, Sooze said it all - I've enjoyed your years blogging immensely and look forward to your 2024 posts x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Thank you very much - I'm delighted that people seem to enjoy my ramblings and stick around. It's all very much appreciated. xx

  6. Thank you for sharing both the big and small events that have happened in 2023 for you. It has been a real pleasure to join you along the way and I look forward to the year ahead x

    1. Thank you. It's been great to have you along for the ride and to read your posts too. xx

  7. You've accomplished a great deal this year and had some fun to go along with it. That sounds like a pretty darn good year to me.

    1. It's been a very good year in many ways. Obviously, there's been plenty of downs too, there always are. But a lot have happened one way and another and most of it has been really good. xx

  8. You seem very organised Joy and already done your holiday washing, great start.. and you've had an amazing holiday. something to remember for years,, We clean on the day we used to have our cleaner, but there's not a lot to do, bathroom and kitchen are done every day and the rest once a week.. so not hard!

    1. I was relieved to get that washing completed. I hate having it hanging around. There's another pile on the landing, from sorting a few things out - I will get that done today, I hope.
      That's exactly how I want to tackle the cleaning. If bits get done more often, then fine, but not essential. :-) xx

  9. It's sounds, overall, like a pretty good year. I'm with you on being an introvert and lacking confidence. I find that, as I get older, I'm becoming more settled with who I am. I don't like telling people 'no' but I am setting some boundaries with people, however uncomfortable it makes me.

    1. Thanks, Sharon. Good for you - it can be so hard to say 'no', can't it, and to stop looking sideways and comparing. Something good about getting older.
