Thursday 29 January 2015


Good morning.  No snow here but it feels pretty cold inside, even after a bath, and I'm not well.  The usual V&D bug and I think I will need to stay at home which is really not good.  Bleugh!

I'm glad I wasn't on playground duty yesterday afternoon.  It got chillier and chillier and I was satisfied with sitting in the staffroom with a coffee during PPA time.  OK, so we worked hard but nevertheless, it was good.

Staff meeting was kind of confusing.  It's no secret that we're in a new curriculum and levels are out - well, not for Y2 and Y6 with SATs on the horizon, but for all other year groups.  The problem is, the government in their almighty wisdom haven't said what is to replace levels.  So it's all rather do-it-yourself at present.  We will see how it all pans out, but should we get a change of government this year, it is likely to be All Change yet again.

Time will tell . . .


  1. I understand where you are coming from each successive government insist on mending things they know nothing about and end up creating more costly mess. The NHS has suffered this since forever.

  2. Education and health are the two main targets for government interference, aren't they. Such a shame they don't really know much about it first hand!
    J x

  3. Sorry to hear that you're not very well, keep warm today!
    My blog seems to have stopped eating your comments, thanks for not giving up!

  4. It's the same with the local Councils, what was the rule with one lot goes out of the window with the next and we all start all over again like a merry go round of continuous (and costly) consultations and nothing gets done.

    Noro virus going round again? Hope you feel better soon.

  5. I hope it's not the norovirus. Please, pretty please, not.
    I've turned the heating up, Chrissie, as I just couldn't get warm.
    J x

  6. This morning we travelled thro' rain, sleet mixed with hailstones and finally a light covering of snow. Then came back to brighter weather at home. Sending positive vibes that you will feel better soon. Jx

  7. Thanks, Joan. I'm glad your journey was OK.
    J x

  8. So sorry to hear that you are not feeling well, you poor love.
    Do hope you will feel much better very, very soon and I am very glad to hear that you have stayed at home - by far the best thing you can do, both for you and for your colleagues and children at school. Please don't feel guilty about having to stay away.
    Take great care and get well soon!
    S. xxx

  9. Thanks, Sonja. I'm feeling somewhat better now and will be back at school today!
    J x
