Wednesday 24 April 2024

Wednesday morning (should be Tuesday evening), 24-04-24

Good morning, everyone.  Apologies for this being late but I had a very weary day yesterday and went to bed very early.

It was drizzling a little bit when Chis and I set off for Groove which was really good.  The new block, poklay list and sequences started last week but I wasn't there so this was new.

It was drizzling a bit but we decided to walk and I'm glad we did   Mind you, it was jolly cold - was it cold your way too - and I ended up turning up the heating.  To be fair, I wasn't feeling 100% and spend much of the rest of the day under a fleece, snoozing on and off, went to bed really early and slept the night through.  It's so nice that I can do this when I feel I need to.

It did mean upstairs didn't get done but not to worry, it won't go away!

I'm not quite sure whether I need to go over to Beth's this morning.  They're expecting a parcel nut don't know when yet and, as they both have to be out over midday, I'm sitting in for it - perhaps.

Later on, I will be going to personal training so I bet I sleep really well again tonight.

I'll post again this evening, all being well.  Have a great day and stay safe.   xx


  1. Hi Joy, was worried about you as you did not post xx

  2. Take care, Joy. Have a lovely day x

  3. Hope you're feeling brighter today.

    1. Thank you, Janice, I really am. It was sinus trouble again, a real nuisance and very draining. I think starting the anti histamines is helping quite a lot though. xx

  4. Happy Birthday Joy, have a wonderful day!! x

    1. Aw, thanks, Annabeth, that's kind. xx
