Saturday 27 April 2024

Saturday evening, 27-04-24

Good evening, everyone.  I'm posting this evening because I'm planning to go to a semi-early Groove class tomorrow morning! 

Despite the weather, it has been a brilliant day with plenty of activity, another amazing show this evening and not too many proseccos!
Both the step class and the gym circuits were - um - challenging, but I did them and felt great afterwards.  

We went for a slightly damp walk this morning and came across this broody duck who was totally unfazed by four females taking photos and ooohing and ahing over her.  I guess she is used to it!     

I may not be the worse for wear this evening but I am totally shattered and looking forward to my cosy bed so I will say goodnight, all, sweet dreams and stay safe.  xx


  1. Hope you have a wonderful sleep tonight. For a moment or two I thought the duck was a very good carved one.

    God bless.

    1. I did, thanks, I slept like the proverbial log.
      I guess if you don't mind curious human, she picked a very comfortable spot.

  2. Super photos and glad you are having fun. Catriona

  3. The duck looks very comfortable.

    1. Doesn't she just. Nice and high so she has a good view. xx

  4. Lovely photos x
    Alison in Wales x
